    关键词: 壳聚糖;木质素磺酸钠;肉桂油;微胶囊;层层自组装4348
    Cinnamon oil layer self-assembly of microcapsules Preliminary Construction and its antibacterial properties
    Abstract: Cinnamon essential oil (cinnamon oil)has great anti bacterial effects. Cinnamon essential oil microencapsulation applied in fruits preservation is a new alternative of chemical drugs. It can improving the use of plant essential oil rate,but also has effective control of fruit rot. This paper studies the effects of different salt concentration, pH, salt concentrations on the preparation of microcapsules, And has a test on the particle size, zeta potential, ultraviolet spectrogram and assembly layers of microcapsule in vitro drug release time,the influence of the cumulative release dosage test,etc. Through the experiment, the settling time of microcapsules is the shortest and the encysted rate is the best when the quality of 0.5g.Quality too large or too small have an impact on the encysted rate of the microcapsules; pH has a greater effect on the viscosity of microcapsules condensed phase, It can not be formed microcapsules when pH is less than 2.0, and the viscosity of microcapsules condensed phase would be increased when pH is above 5.0; The encysted surface of microcapsule would be roughness when salt concentration is 0.1%, the microcapusule particle size would be larger when salt concentration is above 0.6%, the test of microcapusule particle size would be smallest and the experimental effect is best when salt concentration is 0.5%; In the test of microcapsules drug release in vitro, assembly layer of microcapsules has certain effect on the drug release property of microcapsules. Microcapsules of in vitro drug release microcapsules in the experiments of assembly layer on drug release properties of microcapsules has certain influence, along with the increase of the assemble layer, within the range 0 to 40 h cumulative release a quantity to increase unceasingly, the assembly layer less faster drug release rate. With the increase of time, generally slow drug release rate.
    Key Words: chitosan; sodium lignin sulfonate; cinnamon essential oil; microcapsule; layer by layer self-assembly
    目 录
    1 引言    1
    1.1水果的腐败变质    1
    1.2肉桂精油的特点    2
    1.3微胶囊试剂在水果保鲜中的应用    2
    1.3.1微胶囊技术的应用    2
    1.3.2 制备微胶囊的材料    3
    1.4 层层自组装法概述    3
    1.5 本课题的研究目的和意义    4
    2 实验材料和方法    6
    2.1 实验材料    6
    2.1.1 肉桂精油    6
    2.1.2实验试剂    6
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