


    Study on the Development of Rhubarb Cookies and the Effect of Emulsifying Stabilizer on Its Quality

    Abstract: In this paper, we mainly study the formula of rhubarb cookies and the effect of emulsifying stabilizer on its quality. First of all, through the oil, sugar, eggs, starch, water, these single factors on the impact of cookies on the study. And then use the four - factor three - level orthogonal experiment to determine the basic formula of cookies. And then began the development of rhubarb cookies. First, the pretreatment method, adding method and adding amount of rhubarb rice were studied, and then the appropriate emulsifying stabilizer was selected to improve the quality of rhubarb cookies. The final formula for the selection of rhubarb cookies: rhubarb 60g, low gluten flour 40g, oil 65g (butter: anhydrous cream 1: 2), sugar 45g (white sugar: sugar powder 2: 1), egg 35g, starch 12g , Salt amount. Emulsifying stabilizer (CMC: xanthan gum 2: 1) (0.5% of total baking). The rhubarb cookies with nutrition and good flavor, will become a popular and beneficial to people's health foo.

    Key Words: rhubarb; cookies; emulsification; stabilizer


    1 前言 1

    1.1 曲奇饼干的概述 1

    1.2.1 影响曲奇饼干的制作的因素 1

    1.1.2曲奇饼干制作的要求 2

    1.2 大黄米的概述 3

    1.2.1 大黄米营养含量 3

    1.3 乳化剂 4

    1.3.1乳化稳定剂在饼干制作中的作用 4

    1.3.2本课题使用的乳化稳定剂 5

    1.4本课题的研究目的和意义 5

    2 实验材料和方法 7

    2.1 实验材料 7

    2.2 仪器与设备 7

    2.3 实验方法 8

    2.3.1 工艺流程及操作要点 8

    2.3.2 比容 8

    2.3.3 延展率 8

    2.3.4 感官评定 9

    2.3.5 质构测定 9

    3 结果与讨论 10

    3.1 不同原料对曲奇饼干品质的影响研究 10

    3.1.1 糖的筛选 10

    3.1.2 油的筛选 13

    3.1.3 蛋液添加量对饼干品质的影响 16

    3.1.4 淀粉的添加量对饼干品质的影响 17

    3.1.5 水的添加量对饼干品质的影响

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