    摘要:本研究拟用荞麦和脱脂奶粉作为主要原料,研制兼具荞麦与发酵乳营养价值,具有独特口感的新型发酵乳。 通过单因素与正交等优化试验方法,对荞麦的酶解条件与发酵工艺进行了优化。结果表明,荞麦酶解优化条件:a-淀粉酶的添加量为 40  IU/g,于70℃下酶解30min,再加入糖化酶的量为700IU/g,于60℃下酶解时间为100min。发酵工艺优化条件为:荞麦浆添加量为 15%,白砂糖添加量为 6%,卡拉胶的添加量为 0.4%,发酵剂的添加量为 0.12%,发酵时间为 7h,发酵温度为 40℃。研制的荞麦发酵乳色泽均匀一致,具有荞麦特有色泽,具有发酵乳以及荞麦的特殊滋气,组织细腻均匀,无分层,口感细腻,酸甜可口,滋均匀。乳酸菌数为9×107 CFU/mL,酸度值为 80oT。 56826
    毕业论文关键词: 酸奶;荞麦;酶解;酸度。   
    Study of Fermented Buckwheat Milk
    Abstract: This study used buckwheat and skimmed milk powder as the main raw material, the development of both the nutritional value of buckwheat and fermented milk, fermented milk with a new unique taste. By optimizing the test methods of single factor and orthogonal to enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation conditions were optimized buckwheat. The results showed that the optimum conditions pasting buckwheat: a-  amylase dosage of  40IU / g, enzymatic hydrolysis at 70  ℃  under 30min, then add the amount of glucoamylase was 700IU / g, at 60  ℃  under hydrolysis time 100min . Optimization of fermentation conditions were: 15% of buckwheat paste dosage, dosage 6% sugar, carrageenan added in an amount of 0.4%, 0.12% addition level of ferment, fermentation time is 7h, the fermentation temperature is 40  ℃  . Development of fermented milk color uniform buckwheat, buckwheat has a unique color, with fermented milk and buckwheat special smell taste, delicate tissue uniform, non-hierarchical, delicate taste, sweet and sour, taste uniform. Lactic acid bacteria was 9 × 107CFU/mL, an acid value of 80oT, in line with national standards.
    Keyword:yogurt ;buckwheat;enzymatic hydrolysis;acidity    


    1 前言    1 

    1.1荞麦概述  ..  1 

    1.1.1 荞麦的营养价值  ..  1 

    1.1.2荞麦的保健与药用价值  ..  2 

    1.1.3荞麦的开发情况  ..  2 

    1.2 发酵乳概述    3 

    1.2.1 酸奶的分类    3 

    1.2.2 酸奶的开发前景  ..  4 

    1.3本课题的研究目的和意义    4 

    2.实验材料与方法  ..  6 

    2.1实验材料  ..  6 

    2.1.1 实验材料与试剂  ..  6 

    2.1.2. 实验仪器设备    6 

    2.2 实验工艺流程  .  7 

    2.2.1 荞麦浆的制备  .  7 

    2.2.2 荞麦发酵乳的制备    7 

    2.3. 荞麦酶解工艺实验  ..  7 

    2.4 荞麦发酵乳工艺实验  .  8 

    2.5 测定方法  ..  9 

    2.5.1还原糖含量的测定    9 

    2.5.2总酸度的测定    10 

    2.5.3 酸奶感官评价标准  ..  10 

    2.5.4乳酸菌活菌数的检测    10 

    3 结果和讨论  .. 11 

    3.1.荞麦酶解条件的确定    11 

    3.1.1 葡萄糖标准曲线的绘制  .  11 

    3.1.2 a-淀粉酶添加量及酶解时间对荞麦酶解的影响  ..  11 

    3.1.3 糖化酶添加量对荞麦酶解的影响  ..  12 

    3.1.4 糖化酶酶解时间对荞麦酶解的影响    13 

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