    摘要: 本文主要研究不同单色光照射对杂粮萌发过程的影响及萌发杂粮饮料制作的最佳原料配比。结果表明:红、蓝单色光对杂粮萌发过程的影响有所不同。以绿豆为例:在蓝光照射下,绿豆第一天的发芽率为97%,自然光下第一天为95%,;蓝光下绿豆发芽势最大为9.06%,自然光下最大为7.8%;蓝光下绿豆的芽长最长为87mm,自然光下最长为75mm;蓝光下绿豆的芽重最重为0.21g,自然光下最重为0.253g;蓝光下VC含量最大为30.615mg/100g,自然光下最大为26.13mg/100g。其它杂粮萌发的变化趋势与绿豆相似。由此可见:蓝光促进杂粮发芽时内部水分吸收得更快、更多,有助于杂粮种芽的生长,促使吸收生成更多的VC。同样红光对杂粮萌发也有很大的影响。红光加快了杂粮萌发速度,使杂粮种芽生长得更快,也使杂粮种芽生成更多VC,使杂粮更有营养。最后根据上述结果进行了杂粮饮料的制作,选取了VC含量最高的杂粮配比,通过护色、研磨成浆、混合调配,同时进行感官评定,最终得出最佳饮料配方为:杂粮浆液40ml(料液比1:4,绿豆:红豆:玉米:白芸豆=5:3:1:1),糖含量2.5%,酸含量0.1%,稳定剂含量0.02%。23505
    毕业论文关键字:  杂粮;萌发;单色光
    The influence of monochromatic light on grain germination process and its beverage preparation
    Abstract:  This article mainly studied the influence of different monochromatic light irradiation process on coarse grain germination, and the best raw material proportioning of germination grains beverage production. Results show that the influence of red and blue monochromatic light on grain germination process is different. For example, the germination rate of green beans on the first day was 97% under the blue light, under the natural light was 95%; green bean sprout up to 9.06% under the blue light, under the natural light up to 7.8%; mung bean sprouts grow up to 87 mm under the blue light, and under the natural light was 75 mm; under the blue light, the heaviest weight of green bean sprouts was 0.21 g, under the natural light was 0.253 g; under the blue light, VC content up to 30.615 mg / 100 g, natural light up to 26.13 mg / 100 g. The change trend of germination with other grains was similar to green bean. Thus it can be seen that Blu-ray promoting internal moisture absorption faster and more, encouraging the growth of buds, prompting generate more VC. The red light also has a great influence on coarse grain germination. Red light speed up the coarse grain germination speed, make the grains of buds grow faster, also make the grains of bud generate more VC, make the grains more nutritious. Finally according to the results of grains beverage production, selecting the highest vc content in grains proportioning, through protecting color, ground into a paste and mixed deployment, sensory evaluation. Finally the best formula: coarse grain sized 40 ml (material liquid ratio of 1:4, the proportion of green bean, red bean, corn and white kidney bean for 5:3:1:1), 2.5% sugar content, acid content was 0.1%, stabilizer content was 0.02%.
    Key words:  grains; germination; monochromatic light
    1 绪论    1
    1.1  杂粮的基本概况    1
    1.2  杂粮的营养成分及杂粮的食用范围    1
    1.2.1  绿豆的营养价值    1
    1.2.2  红豆的营养价值    2
    1.2.3  玉米的营养价值    2
    1.2.4  白芸豆的营养价值    2
    1.2.5  杂粮在国内外的食用范围    3
    1.3  杂粮种子的萌发    4
    1.3.1  杂粮萌发的基本意义    4
    1.3.2  杂粮萌发中不同光照所产生的影响    4
    1.4  杂粮饮料    5
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