    正交试验显示:葵花粕绿原酸的最佳提取条件为提取温度60 ℃、乙醇溶液体积分数55% 、提取时间1.5 h、料液比1:12、pH=6、提取1次。
    木瓜性蛋白酶酶解的较佳条件为:酶解pH=6.0,温度60 ℃,底物浓度3%,酶添加量3.0%,酶解时间4 h;胰蛋白酶酶解的较佳条件为:酶解pH=7.5,温度为40 ℃,底物浓度3%,酶添加量4.0%,酶解时间4 h。
    Comprehensive utilization of sunflower seed meal
    Abstract :The paper focused on sunflower seed meal, which was abundant but not well developed in China. Recently, chlorogenic acid. a component in sunflower seed meal. has been indicated to be bioactive in preventing free radical change and inhibiting cancer growth. Therefore chlorogenic acid was mostly investigated while the comprehensive utilization of sunflower seed meal was systematically studied.
    Chlorogenic acid was extracted from sunflower meal using the method of ethanol ultrasonic extraction, and the effect of volume fraction of ethanol solution, solid-liquid ratio, extraction time and the extraction temperature on chlorogenic acid content were disscussed, by the orthogonal test. The results showed that: the optimal extraction conditions of chlorogenic acid was : ethanol solution volume fraction 50%, extraction temperature 50℃, extraction time 1h, ratio of solid / liquid 1:10 (g/ml), extracting 1 time.
    Orthogonal test showed that: the optimal extraction conditions of chlorogenic acid of sunflower meal was: extraction temperature 60 ℃, the volume fraction of ethanol solution 55% , extraction time 1.5 h, ratio of solid / liquid 1:12, pH =6, extracting 1 time.
    The raw material was the sunflower seed meal that was expressed by physical method, with the degree of hydrolysis as the index, using the single factor experiment. The three factors (selected material / liquid ratio, enzyme dosage and hydrolysis time) of sunflower seed meal enzymolysis hydrolyzed by Papain or Trypsin were analyzed, the optimal extraction conditions of the proteases were obtained by the comparison of effect of hydrolysis.
    The optimal extraction conditions of Papain was: Ph=6, temperature 60℃, substrate concentration 3%, enzyme dosage 3%, hydrolysis time 4 h; The optimal extraction conditions of Trypsin was: Ph=7.5, temperature 40℃, substrate concentration 3%, enzyme dosage 4%, hydrolysis time 4 h.
    Keywords: Chlorogenic acid; Ultrasonic extraction; Papain ; Trypsin; Degree of hydrolysis
    1. 引言    1
    1.1 葵花籽概况    1
    1.2 葵花籽的应用    1
        1.2.1 葵花籽油的提取    1
        1.2.2 葵花籽饼粕的利用    2
        1.2.3 蛋白质酶解的应用    2
        1.2.4 葵花籽绿原酸的提取的应用    4
    1.3国内外研究现状    6
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