

    毕业论文关键词: 三维打印技术;FDM熔融沉积成型3D打印机;巧克力3D打印机;3D打印机机械结构;巧克力的特性

    Chocolate 3D printer research and development

    Abstract:Three dimensional printing technology, is also the people talked about 3D printing technology is a new technology, which is based on the digital model files, the raw material is powdered metal or plastic material can be bonded, and then use the layer by way of printing technology to construct the object. Compared with other techniques, it can generate any shape we want directly from the computer graphics data in the parts, and can greatly shorten the product manufacturing time, improve production efficiency and reduce production costs, the most important is that it is not any mold or mechanical processing. 3D chocolate printer history from the beginning of 2012, researchers at Exeter University launched the world's first chocolate chocolate 3D printers, 3D printer will go through the same scanning, layered forming and other processes in the print object, similar to the mainstream FDM 3D printer working principle of fused deposition modeling. This paper is mainly on the improvement and development of the chocolate 3D printer. The research content mainly involves the chocolate 3D printer appearance structure, mechanical structure, circuit and software part and mechanical part to understand the nature of chocolate, stepper motor drive and control, machine tool structure, focusing on the print head, independently design extrusion part of the structure, a complete modification by chocolate material 3D chocolate printer; structure need convenient and beautiful, can reflect the illusion and the sense of science and technology, so that the public can enjoy the circuit part; need to understand the relevant knowledge and control board, can be installed correctly to the 3D printer; the software part includes PC software and software, PC software is running on the computer the software, computer software is running on the 3D printer on the motherboard software, mainly to do motor control; to study the characteristics of chocolate chocolate Types of force, melting point, component ratio and market price and so on. First, to analyze the market structure of mechanical hot 3D printer and difference comparison, make improvement on it, the more obvious advantages, disadvantages and even completely avoid the shortcomings, the use of computer-aided design software (CAD, UG) for the virtual design, the feasibility of simulation program. In the end, choose the materials and models of the parts, and complete the development of new type of chocolate 3D printer.

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