

    毕业论文关键词  光谱仪  火花光源  中阶梯光栅  帕邢-龙格结构  


    Title    System Design Of Spark Direct Reading Spectrometer                     

    Abstract According to the requirements of the commercial spectrometer,The main purpose of this design is to conduct the rapid alloy composition analysis for small or medium sized steel enterprises.After summarizing relevant theories and data of spark direct reading spectrometer ,this thesis designed two splitting system:one is based on echelle grating,the other  is Paschen-Runge structure system.Through theoretical calculation, both systems meet the design requirements.According to the defects of these two system, this thesis also offered some improvements, so that the instrument can be more competitive.A preliminary simulation of the system was also showed in the thesis.These two structures are also compared to distinguish the scopes of their application. Finally, the instrument’s other auxiliary systems are analyzed and designed Preliminarily.

    Keywords Spectrometer  Echelle Grating  Paschen-Runge Structure  Spark

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究的背景与意义 1

    1.2  研究的目的与手段 2

    1.3  本文所进行的主要工作 2

    2  火花直读光谱仪相关理论概述与分析 3

    2.1  光谱分析与光谱仪 3

    2.2  中阶梯光栅 5

    2.3  凹面光栅 7

    2.4  火花光源 11

    3  设计需求分析 13

    3.1  设计目标与背景 13

    3.2  需求特点 13

    3.3  具体参数要求与分析 13

    4  中阶梯光栅分光结构设计方案 15

    4.1  整体方案 15

    4.2  部件选取 15

    4.3  光路结构 19

    4.4  设计参数汇总 20

    5  帕邢-龙格分光结构设计方案 21

    5.1  整体方案 21

    5.2  部件选取 21

    5.3  光路结构 23

    5.4  设计参数汇总 24

    6  方案改进与比较 25

    6.1  方案改进 25

    6.2  方案比较 31

    7  外围辅助系统分析与建议

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