

    毕业论文关键词  3D打印  微纳卫星  导电墨水   挤出机构


    Title    Modifying of the Desktop 3D Printer ——Composite Printing


    3D printing is an emerging technology in the field of rapid prototyping. It has continued to be warmly concerned and develop rapidly from the date of birth. And it has made significant progress in many areas. At the same time, with the improvement of micro/nano technology, the micro-nano satellite is gradually becoming the mainstream market. Meanwhile, 3D printing has a huge advantage in the manufacture of complex 3D micro-nano structures. In the case that using 3D printing to manufacture satellites is becoming the new trend of development, this subject did some research about how to modify a desktop 3D printer to support composite printing, so as to satisfy the needs of printing internal circuit in satellites. This paper firstly summarizes the basic concepts of 3D printing technology,the research status at home and abroad about composite printing, as well as the future development trend of 3D printing. Secondly,it analyzed the purpose, requirements and the overall scheme of modifying the 3D printer, then defined two main contents, including selection of conductive material and design of extruder. Thirdly, it found and compared the performance of several conductive ink,and tested their conductivity. Fourthly, two extrusion head was designed and this paper has summarized their advantages and disadvantages. Finally, this transformation of the desktop 3D printer has verified the feasibility of composite printing, which means printing the model and its internal circuits simultaneously. Therefore, this subject will give support to print satellite with circuit.

    Keywords  3D printing   Micro-nano satellite   conductive ink   extruder

    1  引言 3

    1.1  3D打印技术概述 3

    1.2  国内外复合打印的研究现状 5

    1.2.1  常用3D打印技术的复合打印原理 5

    1.2.2  卫星打印 5

    1.2.3  电路打印 6

    1.3  3D打印的发展趋势 7

    2  桌面3D打印设备改造总方案 7

    2.1  改造目的和要求 7

    2.2  改造方案 8

    3  导电性复合材料的选择

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