

    关键词   3D打印;机器人;分层算法;轨迹规划


    Title Robot-based skeleton 3D printing technology and its implementation

    Abstract 3D printing technology,a form of rapid prototyping technology,is based on digital model and print through the layer-by-layer manner to construct objects by the use of the adhesive material of the powdered metal or plastic.In the field of mold manufacturing and industrial design,it’s often used in the manufacture of model.Now,it’s progressively being used for direct manufacturing of high-value products,such as hip,teeth and so on.However,existing 3D printing part has the disadvantage of low strength, poor accuracy,high cost and poor physical properties.The topic is based on existing 3D printing technology,combined with industrial cartesian coordinate robot and design molten print nozzle to achieve the robots and print head integrated control.Based on OpenGL and VC + 6.0,STL file can achieve reading, displaying and hierarchical functions through data processing.Study direct slicing algorithm of the three-dimensional model and data points of sectional images ,and achieve motion planning of the section sweep print track by the robot to meet the needs of rapid production of high-strength parts.

    Keywords:  3D printing  robot  hierarchical algorithm  trajectory plan-ning

    1  引言 1

    1.1  课题的研究背景 1

    1.2  3D打印技术的研究现状 1

    1.3  课题主要研究内容 4

    2  熔融式3D打印头研究 6

    2.1  打印头的机理分析 6

    2.2  打印头机械机构设计 7

    2.3  打印喷头的温度控制系统设计 9

    2.4  挤出熔丝的冷却过程分析 12

    2.5  小结 13

    3  STL文件数据处理和分层实现研究 14

    3.1  STL文件格式的模型结构 14

    3.2  基于OpenGL的STL模型可视化研究 15

    3.3  基于STL文件的分层算法研究 16

    3.4  小结 19

    4  截面图像的数据点研究 20

    4.1  图像的灰度值 20

    4.2  基于VC++的图像数据点研究 20

    4.3  数据点扫描打印轨迹规划 22

    4.4  小结

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