    关键词:  多足机器人 结构特性 虚拟机 仿真
    Title    The analysis of foot structure for an eight-legged robot
    Multi-legged robot is a kind of robot which imitates insects, its motive power comes from the legs with multiple degrees of freedom, and it can walk with a particular posture. Different from the traditional wheeled and tracked robots, multi-legged robot can walk in the irregular and rugged environment. Its adaptability to the environment is great. It can complete the complex tasks of space exploration, rescue, etc. This essay discusses the concept, advantages, disadvantages, application prospects and the working principle of the robot. According to the given requirements, the author needs to help design the structure of eight-legged robot, and then finish the design of the structure about its legs. After that, the writer Uses 3D graphics software to create the overall model of the robot and the model of the robot's legs is the main point. By using ADAMS,the author will do some static simulation for the virtual machine, calculating and checking the structural characteristics and safety of the important parts of the eight-legged robot legs. And some dynamic simulation will be done for the virtual machine, to measure and analyze the motion characteristics of the eight-legged robot foot.
    Keywords  Multi-legged robot  structural characteristics  virtual machine  simulation
    目  录
    1    引言    1
    1.1    多足机器人的定义    2
    1.2    多足机器人的优缺点    2
    1.3    步行机器人的应用前景    2
    1.4    多足步行机器人的发展    3
    1.5    研究的主要内容及思路    4
    1.6    研究意义    5
    1.7    文章各章节的内容    5
    2    八足步行机器人的结构设计及建模    6
    2.1    八足步行机器人机构设计    6
    2.2    八足机器人的机身设计    7
    2.3    八足步行机器人的腿部设计    8
    3    机器人腿部虚拟样机技术    26
    3.1    ADAMS学习应用    26
    3.2    虚拟样机技术的基础[21]    26
    3.3    八足步行机器人腿部机构仿真研究的主要流程    28
    4    足部静力仿真分析    28
    4.1    小腿关节受力仿真    29
    4.2    弹簧受力仿真    34
    4.3    螺杆螺母分析    37
    5    足部动态仿真分析    40
  1. 上一篇:MEMS万向惯性开关结构设计研究仿真
  2. 下一篇:多足步行机器人的发展研究现状
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