

    欧姆龙公司针对传统的MEMS流量传感器对气流中的尘粒比较敏感这个缺点,设计了装有旋风分离器结构的双向除尘系统的新型D6F-P MEMS流量传感器,但其除尘系统的结构和尺寸参数均有优化提升的空间。61601



    毕业论文关键词  旋风分离器  数值模拟  正交试验  气固两相流  除尘效率


    Title    Analysis of Dust Segregation System of MEMS Mass Flow Sensor Based on Cyclone Flow Theory                        

    Abstract Cyclone separator is a device that removes particulates from liquid stream through vortex separation. Its primary advantages are simplicity and compaction in construction and convenience in operation, which enable its adaptability to a wide range of operating conditions.

    Conventional MEMS flow sensors are particularly sensitive to dust particles. To overcome this drawback, OMRON designed D6F-P MEMS flow sensor, which has a built-in bidirectional Dust Separation System(DDS) with cyclone flow structure. However, it is still possible to optimize the structure and parameter of the DDS to improve its performance.

    The DDS of DF6-P sensor has been designed, modeled, and computationally investigated by using FLUENT6.3.26. The effect of different parameters on separator’s performance has been studied and the DDS has been optimized after choosing the suitable program of numerical simulation. 

    The conclusion that structure parameters d1,d2,h and physical property of particles like its diameter and density are the main factors that affect separator’s performance can be drawn by computational simulation. Based on these conclusions, optimized model1 and optimized model2 can be obtained with using orthogonal test analysis method and MATLAB. The optimized models are proved to be superior in the article.

    Keywords  cyclone separator, computational simulation, orthogonal test, gas-solid phase, collection efficiency

    1 引言 1

    1.1 研究背景与意义 1

    1.2 除尘器的研究现状 1

    1.3 旋风分离器理论研究的进展 4

    1.4 D6F-P MEMS质量流量传感器的旋风除尘系统现状 4

    1.5 课题研究目的和主要工作 5

    1.6 课题研究方法 5

    2 旋风分离器的设计 6

    2.1 旋风分离器结构的确定 6

    2.2 旋风分离器外形尺寸的确定 7

    3 旋风分离器的性能分析 8

    3.1 旋风分离器的性能评价指标 8

    3.2 影响旋风分离器性能的因素

  1. 上一篇:工业控制过程经济性能评估的LQG算法设计
  2. 下一篇:联结套筒注塑模设计
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