



    Title    Structure Design of a MEMS Inertial Switch                     

    Abstract This paper designs a MEMS electrical switch for MEMS fuze solid-state lithium batteries to distinguish the normal emission environment and the accidental fall environment. Based a single degree of freedom micro-spring-mass system, this paper proves the feasibility of the system model through the finite element software ANSYS simulation results initially. Then, using ansys to simulate the effects of various parameters impacting on the S-shaped micro spring stiffness is analyzed, and provides a basis for the following design. Based on the micro-spring, the paper designs the switching distinguished structure. Through switching distinguished structure simulation analysis, the distinguished structure is optimized. Based on the distinguished structure, this paper designs a kind of latching mechanism, which is to meet the requirements of electrical switch. Finally, a brief introduction of the process is mentioned.

    Keywords: MEMS, inertial switch, S shaped micro spring, coefficient of elasticity, the latching mechanism

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题背景与意义 1

    1.2  MEMS技术介绍 1

    1.3  国内外研究现状 2

    2  理论分析 4

    2.1  系统理论模型 4

    2.2  自由振动系统推导 4

    2.3  强迫振动系统推导 6

    2.4  微弹簧 7

    2.5  质量块 9

    3  区分机构结构设计 9

    3.1  结构参数 10

    3.2  模态仿真 10

    3.3  瞬态仿真 11

    4  区分机构分析 14

    4.1  位移区分分析 14

    4.2  速度区分分析 16

    4.3  能量区分分析 19

    4.4  质量块优化 21

    4.5  微弹簧优化 23

    5  闭锁机构 26

    6  LIGA与UV-LIGA技术介绍 29

    结  论 32

    致  谢 34

    参考文献 35

    1  绪论

    1.1  课题背景与意义

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