




    Abstract Shot peening technology is an old and yet young technology,Back in the early 1880s,Sandblasted onto the surface of the part in order to achieve the purpose of cleaning technology has been invented.But at that time this technology has not been too much emphasis on,Peening technology development in China after the reform and opening,before that,It has been stagnant.By the 20th century, in the late 1970s,and in the early 1980s,Peening technology behind seriously restricting the development of China's shipbuilding industry,China began to attach importance to this technology.After years of development, China shot peening technology, despite the progress, but compared with Western countries, China in the blast, there are many technical aspects of the problem. Technical content is not high, and in this environment is not enough to do good, the atmosphere is still very serious harm, domestic blasting technology research is not deep enough.

    Our group of three to design a set of sandblasting room, my loser blastroom body design, from traditional sandblasting room to start research, access to large amounts of data, on this basis, we boldly designed this environmentally friendly , automated high sandblasting room. The housing body design, I used lightweight color plate. Floor using the current relatively environmentally friendly eco-friendly honeycomb flooring. Greatly reduces the dust on the sandblasting environmental pollution. For sandblasting machine, I have learned a combination of theoretical knowledge of pressure control, using a pneumatic control technology to achieve automation of traditional sandblasting machine. This allows the shot to better guarantee the safety of workers.

    By blasting technology research, I found that shot peening technology is still very broad prospects, this technology not only can be used for pretreatment before coating steel components, mechanical parts can also be used for surface hardening, etching and other fields.

    Keywords:Shot peening technology; sandblasting body; environmental protection; l


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.2国内发展概况及现状介绍 1

    1.3 我国喷砂装备发展的问题 2

    1.4研究的目的及意义 3


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