

    本次喷砂房砂粒回收系统的设计代表了设计的一般过程, 对今后的选型设计工作有一定的参考价值。


    Abstract Sandblasting sand recovery system is composed of belt conveyor, and bucket type lifting machine.The belt conveyer and bucket elevator to make a simple overview;then analyzes the belt conveyer and bucket elevator selection principle and calculation method of machine;then according to these design principles and calculation methods in accordance with the requirements of the given parameters of type design;then the check of the major components of the conveyor choice. Consists of six main parts: drive, belt conveyor tail and return device, the middle frame, tension device, belt, bucket elevator according to the form of traction mainly consists of adhesive tape type, ring chain and chain plate three.Finally, a simple description of the belt conveyer and bucket elevator installation and maintenance. At present, the belt conveyor is moving towards long distance, high speed, low friction direction, in the design, sandblasting sand recovery system of manufacturing and application, at present our country compared with foreign advanced level there are still large gaps in the process of design, the sandblasting sand recovery system there are many problems.

    Design of the blasting room sand recovery system represents the general process of design, has the certain reference value to the design of future work.

    Keywords: Sand recovery system design;Belt conveyors; bucket type lifting machine

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 喷砂房回收系统概述 1

    1.2 国内研究现状及存在的问题 1

    1.3 本课题研究的目的和意义 1

    1.4 本课题研究的基本内容 2

    第二章 回收系统设计要点 3

    2.1 回收系统的组成 3

    2.2 回收系统的设计要点 3

    第三章 带式输送机的设计 4

    3.1 原始数据及工作条件 4

    3.2 计算步骤 4

    3.2.1带宽的确定 4

    3.2.2输送带宽度的核算 5

       3.3 带式输送机传动功率计算 6

       3.4输送带所要承受的张力 6

       3.5驱动装置的装置 6

    第四章 带式输送机部件的选用 7

    4.1 输送带的选用

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