



    Sandblasting machine Is widely used in steel structure coated with the coating surface preparation, and sandblasting on the strengthening of the mechanical parts, finishing, etching has a significant effect, this technology has been the unanimous approval of. With the development of society and industrialization, the increasing demands on the performance of the blasting machine, is toward the direction of efficiency, energy saving, operation is simple. This design environmental conditions, physical and chemical properties of the medium and other factors, combined with the given process parameters, the selection of the container wall thickness calculation, strength accounting, the selection of accessories, the design of the weld standard order on double cylinder structure , head, manholes, receivership, reinforcement, to take over, pipe flanges, bearings, welding the form of design and selection. Have the choice of equipment performance standards, the design can directly use the standard equipment components meet the design conditions, but also some of the equipment is no corresponding standard, select the appropriate parts of non-standard equipment. In order to ensure the efficient operation of the design sandblasting machine design-cylinder structure to ensure the add abrasive, in the case of non-stop machine to save time, and the choice of a variety of pipes, valves, and spray gun according to the different calculation of the selected air compressors different working hours and abrasive consumption to arrive at a final cost, based on the cost comparison of various programs to seek the best sandblasting machine program, so as to maximize the benefits. This topic sandblasting machine designed to solve the shortcomings of the traditional sand blasting machine downtime feeding, easy to operate and improve security.

    Key Words: Sandblasting machine,Efficient,Double cylinder structure

    目  录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 背景 1

    1.2 目的和意义 1

    1.3 国内研究现状及存在问题 2

    1.4 研究方法 2

    第二章  储砂罐设计计算 3

    2.1 设计压力 3

    2.3 圆筒直径初取 3

    2.4 圆筒壳体设计 3

    2.5 上封头和中间封头设计

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