




    Sandblasting sandblasting dust removal system is the more important part of the design, help protect the environment for the state air pollution control companies make an important contribution to sustainable development, in addition to protecting the health of workers for workers to work in a healthy environment and improve work efficiency. A more complete removal system should contain the following aspects: the hood; pipeline; dust removal equipment; blower and exhaust pipes. Therefore, sandblasting dust removal system is designed mainly includes: the hood in the form of design and selection; precipitator selection and design; pipe selection and resistance calculation; fan calculation and selection; infrastructure and construction and installation design. You must also include the collection down dust-proof treatment and dust removal equipment and so on.

    Dust removal system is designed to be related to the effect of dust is good or bad, the level of freight management, convenience convenience or not, whether qualified emission key. General sandblasting used as a cyclone and baghouse dust removal equipment, room dust removal system works: the fan extraction of gases and dust blasting room, blasting outside the room air is passed through the bottom of the blasting room the hood and dust into the dust removal system piping, after the dust filtration system, clean air into the atmosphere, dust and dirt are stored in the barrel waiting for the dust cleaned regularly. 

    Keywords: Dedusting system design; baghouse; cyclone; pipes

     目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 喷砂房除尘系统概述 1

    1.2 国内研究现状及存在的问题 1

    1.3 本课题研究的目的和意义 2

    1.4 本课题研究的基本内容 3

    第二章 除尘系统设计要点 4

    2.1 除尘系统组成 4

    2.2 除尘系统分类及特点 4

    2.3 除尘系统设计要点 4

    第三章 集气罩的设计 7

    3.1 集气罩分类和工作原理 7

       3.2 集气罩的设计 10

    第四章 旋风除尘器的设计与选型 13

    4.1 旋风除尘器的基本原理

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