    摘要:炼焦生产是典型的能源再加工和热能的再回收利用过程,焦炭和炼焦煤气是其主要的能源产品。煤在干馏过程中产生的高温荒煤气,其余热的回收与利用历来是焦化行业重点技术之一。热管是一种高效的传热元件,它具有许多特殊用途和性能,它是一种能快速将热能从一点传至另一点的装置,由热管元件组成的,利用热管原理实现热交换的换热器称之为热管换热器。由于其结构简单、可操控性强、换热效率高、动力消耗小等优点,热管换热器越来越受到人们的重视,是一种应用前景非常好的换热设备。了解荒煤气的物理特性和回收荒煤气的一些技术, 以及换热器的发展趋势。 在讨论热管换热器的设计过程中,主要针对其热力计算、设备结构计算、元件参数的选择做了一个合理构建,并结合实际情况设计出了空气预热热管式换热器基本模型。设计出 GB9948(15CrMo)低合金钢重力式热管,选用钠为工质,翅片材料为低碳钢,翅片与壳体方式为高频焊接。这种热管参数:光管外径:0.025m;热管全长 2m;热管内径为0.020m ;翅片高度:0.015m;翅片间距:0.0004m;翅片厚度:0.00015m; 每米长翅片数:182。热管换热器的管子排列方式为等边三角形排列,横向管子中心距为 0.065m。可以将进口760℃的荒煤气降到 340℃左右,传热效果非常明显。41385
    毕业论文关键词: 荒煤气;热管;热管换热器;热力计算;设备结构计算Design of theWaste Gas Sensible Heat Recovery UnitAbstract:Coking production is a typical energy recycling processing and thermal energyutilization process, coke and coking coal gas is the main energy products. The coal producedduring carbonization of the high temperature waste gas, recovery and utilization of remainingheat is always one of the key technology of coking industry. Heat pipe is a high efficient heattransfer component, it has many special use and performance, it is a fast heat from one point toanother point of the device, the heat pipe components, principle of heat exchange tube heatexchanger called heat pipe heat exchanger with heat. Because of its simple structure, strongoperability, heat transfer efficiency high, small power consumption, etc., the heat pipe heatexchanger has attracted more and more attention, is heat exchange equipment with a very goodprospect. This paper to understand some physical properties of raw gas technology andrecycling of waste gas, and the development trend of heat exchanger in the discussion. Heat pipe for heat exchanger design process, mainly for the thermodynamic calculation, calculationof equipment structure, the choice of component parameter do a reasonable construction, andcombined with the actual situation of the design of the hot air preheating tube type heat transfermodel of the heat exchanger.Design in gb9948 (15CrMo) low alloy steel gravity type heat pipe,use sodium as refrigerant, fin material for low carbon steel, fin and shell for high frequencywelding. This heat pipe parameters: light pipe diameter: and; heat pipe length of 2m; heat pipediameter 0.020m; fin height: 0.015m; fin spacing: 0.0004m; fin thickness: 0.00015m; per meterlong fin number: 182. The heat pipe heat exchanger tube arrangement for the equilateraltriangle arrangement, away from the center of lateral pipe 0.065m. can will import 760 DEG Cfor raw gas down to 340 DEG C, heat transfer effect very obvious.Key Word: Waste gas; heat pipe; heat pipe heat exchanger; thermal calculation; equipmentstructure calculation
    1 绪论..1
    1.1 荒煤气组成及性质1
    1.1.1 荒煤气的组成. 2
    1.1.2 荒煤气中焦油蒸汽结焦特性.. 2
    1.1.3 荒煤气的导出. 4
    1.1.4 荒煤气的外逸状况..5
    1.1.5 荒煤气显热回收技术.6
    1.2 热管换热器 9
    1.2.1 热管 9
    1.2.2 热管的基本特性. 10
    1.2.3 热管换热器.11
    1.2.4 热管的设计.12
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