    The Experimental Design of Testing Turning Temperature of the Moderate Wear Tool
    【Abstract】In the process of turning,tool wear will affect the processing precision of the workpiece. And it has a very close relationship between the tool wear and turning temperature. This article is aimed at moderate wear tool case,to study the relationship between turning temperature and turning depth,spindle speed and feed rate among. In the experimental study,we used principle of infrared temperature measurement to built a tool temperature monitoring system. We real-time recorded the temperature changes of the tool tip. By analyzed the recorded data,we studied the influence of moderate wear tool turning temperature by turning depth,spindle speed and feed rate. The results show:(1)Under the condition of different feed rate,temperature gradually increased with time.The temperature is similar when the feed rate are 40mm/min and 80mm/min;the temperature rise sharply when the feed rate is 160mm/min.(2)Under the condition of different turning depth.When the feed rate is constant and spindle speed changes,turning the deeper the depth,the higher the temperature;When the spindle is constant and feed rate changes,temperature has a tendency of increasing in general.(3)Under the condition of different spindle speed.The fluctuation of temperature curve is slightly larger.But in general,the temperature is increased.
    【Keyword】Tool wear;Tool monitoring;Infrared Temperature Measurement;Turning depth;Spindle speed; Feed rate
    目 录
    摘要    1
    前  言    2
    1  绪论    3
    1.1研究意义    3
    1.2研究现状    3
    1.3研究内容    6
    1.4研究方法与路线    7
    1.4.1研究方法    7
    1.4.2研究路线    7
    2  刀具磨损机理与测温方法研究    8
    2.1刀具磨损概念    8
    2.1.1刀具磨损形态    8
    2.1.2刀具磨损阶段    9
    2.2车削温度测定方法    10
    2.2.1车削温度测量概述    10
    2.2.2自然热电偶法和人工热电偶法    10
    2.2.3有限元模拟仿真    11
    2.2.4新型薄膜热电偶法    12
    2.2.5红外线测温法    12
    2.2.6红外照相法    15
    2.2.7其他测温法    15
    本章小结    15
    3  试验准备及仪器使用说明    16
    3.1试验准备    16
    3.1.1试验条件    16
    3.1.2工件材料    16
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