
    摘要钛合金、高温合金与超高强度钢等难加工材料因为机械物理特性在某些方面非常优良,被广泛的应用于国防科技工业、船舶制造业, 而且应用量有逐年上升的趋势。但这些难加工材料的加工却还是受到刀具技术与切削工艺的限制。 因此,正确选用合适的切削刀具材料和几何参数及切削用量对提高难加工材料加工能力具有重要的意义。本文论述了船用难加工材料的发展以及国内外研究现状,并且针对TC4钛合金和Inconel718镍基高温合金加工现状提出方案。为了提高TC4钛合金和Inconel718镍基高温合金的加工效率,需要合理的选用加工刀具的几何角度和切削用量。本文不仅对TC4钛合金和Inconel718镍基高温合金的基本性能、切削刀具材料、刀具几何角度的选用进行了概述,还运用DEFORM-3D软件对两种难加工材料分别进行切削模拟,并通过对模拟数据的整理分析,分析出各因素对两种材料切削性能的影响程度,并选出一组最优的刀具几何角度组合以及切削用量组合。50290

    毕业论文关键词:TC4钛合金, Inconel718镍基高温合金 ,几何角度,切削性能, DEFORM-3D

    Abstract Because of mechanical, physical characteristics are very good in some respects, difficult materials like Titanium, high-temperature alloys are widely used in the defense industry, shipbuilding industry ,and the application volume increasing year by year. However ,the developing of cutting technology of hard-cutting materials is still restricted by the tool technology and the cutting process. Therefore, It is important to select a suitable material and geometry of cutting tool for improving the processing capacity of cutting hard cutting materials.This paper discusses the development of cutting difficult materials and introduce the research status of cutting difficult materials both on local and abroad.In order to improve the efficiency of cutting TC4 titanium and Inconel718 nickel-based superalloy, It is nessesary to find a suitable geometry of cutting tool and the combination of cutting speed,feed rate and cutting depth. The paper not only describe the basic performance of TC4 titanium and Inconel718 nickel-based superalloy, but also analysis the main factors which affect both the hard-cutting materials from turning simulation of the hard cutting materials by Deform-3D software, and further identify the combination of the best tool geometry and the best cutting speed,feed rate and cutting depth.

    Keywords:  Inconel718 nickel-based superalloy  geometry of cutting tool   Deform-3D  TC4 titanium


    第一章 绪论 3

    1.1概述 3

    1.2加工难加工材料的发展状况 4

    1.3论文内容简介 5

    第二章 难加工材料及刀具的性能 5

    2.1金属切削机理[1] 5

    2.2 工件及刀具的性能概述 8

    2.2.1 工件材料简述 8

    2.2.2刀具材料简述 9

    2.2.3刀具几何角度概述 10

    第三章 基于Deform-3D的切削仿真 12

    3.1 Deform-3D软件的简介 12

    3.2 Deform-3D软件切削模拟的基本流程。 13

    3.3基于Deform-3D软件的三维切削仿真 13

    3.3.1几何模型 13

    3.3.2 三维切削仿真参数的选用及相关理论 14


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