
    摘 要精密仪器以及超精密器械等等工业的发展,对具有良好表面完整性的超精密零件的需求日益增加。超精密切削加工零件要求不但应具有很高的几何尺寸及形位尺寸精度以及表面镜面度,还应具有极好的稳定性,以保证整机的可靠性和稳定性。57651





    With the development of precision instruments industry and so on, the demand for ultra-precision parts with good surface integrity is increasing. Ultra-precision machining parts should not only have a high geometric dimensions and geometric dimensional accuracy, but also has excellent stability so as to ensure the reliability of the machine.

    In recent years, ultra-precision machining technology has been rapid development of ultra-precision machining accuracy of some non-ferrous materials close to the theoretical limit of accuracy. However, the integrity of the current research on the microstructure of people cutting mechanism and cutting surface ultra-precision machining is still not deep enough, the surface quality to become one of the main factors affecting the reliability of ultra-precision parts. Surface quality of the workpiece is mainly reflected by the surface roughness, surface hardness, surface residual stress and other indicators. In general machining, the shape and position size changes due to work hardening, surface residual stress surface quality problems caused by parts with respect to the dimensional accuracy requirements are generally negligible. But in the ultra-precision machining, because of high precision parts, the surface parameters of any change will increase the instability of the parts.

    Natural single crystal diamond tool (referred to as the SPD Tool) is a single-point tool for ultra-precision machining precision machining for an ideal, but the material is scarce, so the price is expensive. Synthetic crystalline diamond tools (PCD tool for short) is a multi-tool, compared with the SPD tool low price. Therefore, PCD cutting tools for a large number of ultra-precision machining for various occasions, its development has important theoretical significance and application value.

    Key words: ultra-precision machining technology, natural single crystal diamond tools, synthetic crystalline diamond cutting tool


    摘 要 3

    第一章 概述 5

    1.1 金刚石刀具的概念及切削原理 5

    1.2 金刚石刀具的现状及发展趋势 6

    第二章 主要加工工件的概述 7

    2.1 加工工件的分析 7

    2.2 加工工件的要求 7

    2.3 加工工件的工序

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