    Wheel/rail contact geometry calculation, its influence on the dynamic stability
    ABSTRACT: Chinese high-speed railway has entered into the age of high-speed and l mileage.Wheel-rail rolling contact will be a major impact on the stability of the high-speed vehicles.With the actual situation of the high-speed railway, thispaper compares several different methods of wheel-rail geomet calculated and studies on the vehiclesta bilivty on the wheel-rail contact geometry.
    1n this paper, the following work.
    (1)Present wheel-rail rolling contact geometry and vehicle stability study at home and abroad the necessity of stability studies.
    (2) We alyze several different calculation methods of wheel-rail rolling contact and comp are the results of their calculations.
    (3) Review the basic characteristics of sing wheel's stability and research methods of vehicle linear stability and nonlinear stability; analyze the concept of stability and the high-spend vehicles' snaking movement and its hazards.
    (4) Define the linear and nonlinear parameters of the wheel-rail rolling contact.
    Establish a simulated model of single stability, analyze different wheel-rail models' linear critical speed, discuss the stability of the single wheel.And then set up vehicle namics model in Adams/Rail,analyze the influence to the vehicle dynamic due to non-linear parameter changes at the same equivalent conicity.
    KEYWORDS:  Wheel-rail contact, projection profile, rotating body

    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2    国内外研究现状与水平    2
    1.3    发展趋势    4
    1.4    本课题的基本内容    4
    2    轮轨接触几何计算    5
    2.1    简介    5
    2.2    基于迹线法的轮轨滚动接触几何计算    7
    2.3    基于投影轮廓的轮轨滚动接触几何计算    10
    2.3.1    轮对的参数化表示及坐标系转换    10
    2.3.2    平行投影轮廓生成    11
    2.3.3    投影轮廓必要的条件    12
    2.3.4    投影轮廓的确定    13
    2.3.5    三文迭代求解    13
    2.4    几种计算方法的比较分析    14
    2.4.1    车轮型面的选择    14
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