    [摘要]国内使用的颚式破碎机有很多种,但常见的还是传统的复摆颚式破碎机。从复摆颚式破碎机的出现已有的140年历史经过人们长期的实际实践和不断地完善与科学地改进,其结构的型式和机构的参数日臻变得合理, 结构变得简单、制造变得容易、工作更可靠、文修更方便,所以在冶金、矿山、建材、化工、煤炭等众多行业使用很是广泛。随着现代化的科学发展,各工业部门对破碎石的需求进一步增长,研究复摆鄂式破碎机具有很重要的意义。本毕业设计主要是本设计主要解决了箱体设计的方案的选择,从毛坯选用-材质选择-处理工艺-截面形状的选择,还有V带传动,腔体设计,校核方面:破碎机的偏心轴强度计算、键的选择和校核、轴承的选择与校核、机架结构设计与强度校核。36263
    [毕业论文关键词] 复摆鄂式     破碎机      箱体
    Design of the PE - 1400 jaw crusher chassis
     ABSTRACT The domestic use jaw type breaker type are very many, But common traditional duplicate pendulum Jaw-fashioned Crusher. The duplicate pendulum jaw type breaker appearance had more than 140 years history, And consummates and the improvement unceasingly after the people long-term practice, Its structure pattern and the organization parameter are day by day reasonable, The structure simple, the manufacture is easy, the work reliably, the service convenient, therefore in profession use and so on the metallurgy, mine, building materials, chemical industry, coal is extremely widespread. Along with the modernized development, various industry sector further grows to the broken crushed stone demand, studies the duplicate pendulum Jaw-fashioned Crusher to have the very vital significance. This graduation design is mainly the design is mainly to solve the cabinet design scheme selection, from the rough selection - material selection and processing technology - section shapes and V belt transmission, cavity design and check: crusher eccentric shaft strength calculation, key selection and verification, bearing selection and verification, frame structure design and strength check.
    KeyWords:Compound pendulum jaw   Crusher  Abrasion
    目 录
    Abstract    II
    第1章 绪论    1
    1.1 研究的目的和意义    1
    1.2 特点、现状与发展    6
    1.3复摆鄂式破碎机的现状与发展    8
    第2章 任务数据与课题设计内容    10
    2.1任务数据    10
     2.2课题设计的内容    10
    第3章 课题解决问题    12
    第4章 箱体方案设计及选择    14
        4.1 毛坯选用    14
        4.2 材质选择    14
     4.3 处理工艺    14
     4.4 截面形状的选择    15
    第5章 总体设计过程    16
        5.1 基本结构和工作原理    16
        5.2 主要部件参数    17
        5.3 电动机的选择    18
        5.4 传动方案的设计    20
        5.5 传动设计    20
         5.6 腔体的设计    22
    第6章 受力分析及主要零件强度计算    24
         6.1 破碎力的计算    24
         6.2 受力分析    24
         6.3偏心轴强度计算    27
         6.4 键的选择与校核    29
         6.5 轴承的选择与校核    30
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