          基于图像检测技术,通过图像的非接触式的特点,可以将弹性元件的微小变形检测并通过计算机处理输出显示出来,针对精密弹性零件的结构特点,就其刚度测量原理和方法进行了分析,提出了刚度测量系统的总体方案。设计了一个基于CCD (Charge-coupled Device)的精密弹性元件的刚度测量系统。
    Device of detecting resiliency of the elastic of the part
    Abstract: This paper is to detect resiliency of the elastic of the part ,in the mechanical, engineering and many other occasions elastic deformation parts have certain requirements, stiffness parts directly determine the performance of the system, so the elastic deformation of the elastic parts detection capability is necessary.
    Image-based detection technology, through the non-contact characteristics ,It can detect of the deformation of the elastic element and processed by a computer output ,according to the structure characteristics of the precise elastic parts, the stiffness measurement principles and methods are analyzed, and the stiffness of the overall scheme of the measurement system. Design based on CCD (Charge-coupled Device) precision components elastic stiffness measurement system.
    In this paper, the design includes four parts, the light source portion, CCD module parts, some parts of the clamping force loading system parts. The system features a load force is small force, but also to detect the speed of certain requirements, particularly high accuracy requirements.
    Keywords: elastic parts; CCD image detection; deformation detection;
     目 录
    1 绪论    1
        1.1 课题背景及意义    1
        1.2 课题研究的目的及意义    1
        1.3国内外研究现状.    .1
          1.3.1 视觉测试技术的应用2
          1.3.2 视觉测量技术在工件尺寸检测中的应用2
    2 测量系统总方案设计    3
        2.1 任务与要求    3
        2.2 系统总体方案设计与布局    4
    3 加载系统的设计    5
        3.1 系统方案的选择    6
        3.2 加载系统各部件的确定    8
          3.2.1 测力传感器的选择8
          3.2.2 导轨参数确定8
          3.2.3 滚珠丝杆的设计计算10
          3.2.4 步进电机的选择与计算13
          3.2.5 联轴器的选择18
          3.2.6 加载杆强度、刚度校核18
    4 夹具系统的设计20    
        4.1 夹具a的设计    .21
        4.2 夹具b的设计    22
        4.3 夹具底座的设计    23
    5位移检测系及CCD、镜头、光源的选择设计    23
        5.1 位移检测系统设计    24
        5.2 CCD摄像机的选择    24
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