


    PCG-1316 heavy hammer crusher body chassis design

    Abstract: Hammer crusher hammer crusher belong to one, as opposed to ordinary hammer crusher, the biggest difference is that it is relatively heavy hammer, it can be compared to an ordinary hammer crusher at the same time more material. Hammer Crusher is more suitable for crushing stone hardness less than 200MPa such as limestone, dolomite, bluestone, coal, coal gangue and other materials for the small size of soft iron, wear-resistant materials have broken edge. With the emergence of the global shortage of minerals, under the premise of maintaining or increasing the amount of a variety of metals and non-metallic minerals, the amount of ore to be processed is greatly increased, which the broken equipment put forward higher requirements, will face greater challenges. The design completed PCG-1316 hammer crusher the overall structure of the design, including analysis and calculation of the operating parameters of the overall structure of the arrangement, crusher, cabinet rack, hammer structure, strength, power systems. Case design PCG-1316 hammer crusher; forming the overall concept of mechanical design, the integrated use of the theoretical knowledge learned in the past, to improve their theoretical and practical ability to contact and comprehensive analysis; to improve the application of information, standards and specifications and other basic skills and the ability to design and complete the graduation thesis, brochures and other computing tasks. 

    Keywords: PCG-1316 hammer crusher; box design; structural design


    1立题依据 1

    1.1选题背景 1

    1.2课题研究意义 1

    1.2.1目的 1

    1.2.2意义 1

    2破碎机的发展 2

    2.1 国内发展情况 5

    2.2 国外发展情况 6

    3破碎机分类及优缺点 7

    3.1破碎机的分类 7

    3.2破碎机的工作原理和优缺点 8

    3.2.1颚式破碎机 8

    3.2.2圆锥破碎机 9

    3.2.3冲击式破碎机 10

    3.2.4反击式破碎机 11


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