    摘要: PVD刀具涂层技术在提升各种机床刀具的加工性能中得以运用。PVD涂层设备日新月异的今天设备需要有优秀的零部件才能让设备能更好的运转。通过PVD涂层技术制备的刀具薄膜性能极佳,具有高硬度、低摩擦系数、很好的耐磨性和化学稳定性等优点。对于PVD设备的研究,虽然国内在这方面也进行了大量研究,一些单位也研制出了一些设备,但由于投入不足,国内设备与国外的相比还相差甚远。此次毕业设计内容为设计PVD涂层设备关键零部件,该课题对整台PVD刀具涂层设备意义重大,关键零部件的好坏可以说关系到整台涂层设备的性能,对推动PVD涂层设备关键零部件设计研究兴许会有一点点微弱帮助。33261
    Design of key parts for PVD tool coating equipment
    Abstract:PVD coating technology is now widely used to improve the machining performance of various machine tools.. PVD coating equipment with each passing day today the equipment needs to have excellent spare parts to make the equipment can run better. The thin films prepared by PVD coating have the advantages of high hardness, low friction coefficient, good wear resistance and chemical stability.. Research on PVD equipment, although the domestic in this respect were also a large number of studies, some units have also developed a device, but due to the lack of investment, domestic and foreign compared varies significantly. The graduation design content for the design of PVD coating equipment key parts, the subject of whole sets of PVD coated cutting tool equipment significance significant quality of key parts and components can say to the performance of the entire coating equipment, to promote PVD coating machine key components design and research maybe there will be a little weak help.
    The graduation design and thesis mainly explains in detail the PVD coated cutting tool equipment research background, equipment layout plan, to focus on the design of coating equipment for vacuum system of mechanical vacuum pump were detailed design and calculations, determine the geometric parameters, and the strength checking.
    KeyWords:PVD equipment;Equipment layout scheme;Mechanical vacuum pump
    目 录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  研究目的、意义    1
      1.3  本文研究内容    3
    1.4  文献综述    3
    1.4.1  PVD简介    3
    1.4.2  PVD涂层技术    3
    1.4.3  PVD刀具涂层设备    4
    1.4.4  旋片真空泵    5
    2  PVD刀具涂层设备    7
    2.1  PVD刀具涂层设备布局    7
    2.2  PVD刀具涂层设备布局方案    8
    2.2.1  方案一    8
    2.2.2  方案二    8
    2.2.3  方案三    9
    3  机械真空泵    11
    3.1  结构及工作原理    11
    3.1.1  旋片真空泵结构    11
    3.1.2  工作原理    12
    3.2  机械真空泵总体设计    13
    3.2.1  设计参数    13
    3.2.2  电动机的选择    13
    3.2.3  总体传动结构设计    13
    3.2.4  带传动设计    15
    3.2.5  选择带型    15
    3.2.6  确定带轮的基准直径并确定带速    16
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