    85L storage box mold design
    Abstract:Mold is an important modern industrial production technology and equipment, known as "the mother of industry." And again in the entire mold injection mold industry thriving, extremely rapid development in the automotive, aerospace, communications, electronics, home appliances and other fields has a very wide range of applications. This graduation project selected product is 85L of storage boxes, storage boxes as common household storage containers, versatile, can be used to place clothing, fruits and vegetables, toys and so on. Meanwhile, the storage box with environmentally friendly, non-toxic, odorless, light weight, easy to clean, neatly stacked, etc., is practical merchandise our home life. Storage box size is about 683x432x358, using Pro / ENGINEER mold structure design, using multiple sets of lateral pulling mechanism and a hydraulic drive system, while the use of advanced hot runner system four o'clock needle into the plastic way ,using CAD drawings in 2D drawing.
    KeyWords:Injection mold; hot runner systems; lateral Pulling
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1 绪论    1
      1.1 选题背景    1
      1.2 国内外模具工业的发展状况    1
      1.3 模具工业的发展趋势    1
    2 储物箱的成型工艺分析    4
      2.1 塑件的原始参数    4
      2.2 塑件的结构及工艺分析    5
        2.2.1 脱模斜度    5
        2.2.2 壁厚    5
        2.2.3 加强筋    5
        2.2.4 孔    6
        2.2.5 圆角    6
    2.3塑件材料的选择    6
    3 注塑成型原理及设备选择    8
      3.1 注塑成型原理    8
      3.2 注塑成型工艺参数    8
        3.2.1 温度    8
        3.2.2 压力    9
        3.2.3 时间    10
    3.3 注塑机的选择    10
    4 模具结构设计    12
      4.1 分型面的选择及模架的选择    12
      4.2 浇注系统设计    15
        4.2.1 热流道系统    15
        4.2.2 针阀式热流道系统设计    16
      4.3 抽芯机构设计    17
        4.3.1 四边滑块液压抽芯    17
        4.3.2 斜顶液压抽芯    18
        4.3.3 侧边圆孔液压抽芯    19
      4.4 推出机构设计    19
        4.4.1 推板脱模设计    19
        4.4.2 脱模力的计算    20
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