    摘要:夹套反应釜分罐体和夹套两部分,主要有封头和筒体组成,多为中、低 压压力容器;搅拌装置有搅拌器和搅拌轴组成,其形式通常由工艺而定;传动装置是为带动搅拌装置设置的,主要有电动机、减速器、联轴器和传动轴等组成;轴封装置为动密封,一般采用机械密封或填料密封;它们与支座、人孔、工艺接管等附件一起,构成完整的夹套反应釜。29308
    毕业论文关键词: 夹套反应釜;搅拌装置;酚醛树脂;机械设计;反应罐
    The design of the Phenolic resin reaction tank
    Abstract:Jacketed reactor tank and jacketed two parts, mainly consists of cylinder head and more for the medium and low pressure vessel;Stirring device of stirrer and stirring shaft, its form is usually by the process and decide;Set of drive device, transmission device is mainly include motor, reducer, coupling and the shaft, etc;Shaft sealing device for dynamic seal, generally USES mechanical seals or packing seal;Them with the pedestal, manhole, process took over, such as the attachments form a complete set of reaction kettle.This course design topic is jacketed reaction kettle, the device is composed of barrel, jacket, and stirring shaft, gear reducer and motor, etc.This design detailed demonstrates the cylinder diameter, cylinder thickness, the height of the cylinder design, material selection, strength and stability checking.
    This design involves the choice of the jacket, the jacket thickness calculation;Divided into ten chapters, respectively from multiple angles of the kettle body thickness, kettle body, head, and the choice of motor, the design of the frame, as well as the corresponding flange, the selection of coupling is introduced in detail.This design also detail  the selection of flange, pipe flange is introduced.In the design of this design is selection of belt transmission, the selection of belt made detailed introduction.Selecting proper design parameters, not only meets the design requirements of the equipment, and make the equipment is large elasticity of operation, running quality guarantee.
    KeyWords:  Jacketed reactor; Stirring apparatus; Machine design; Phenolic resin; Reaction tank
    目  录
    1绪论    1
    1.1课题介绍    1
    1.2课题研究的意义    1
    1.2.1 酚醛树脂的使用意义    1
    1.2.2 发展反应釜的意义    1
    1.3国内外反应釜技术的研究进展与主要成果    2
    1.3.1 反应釜搅拌系统的发展    2
    1.3.2 反应釜轴封技术的发展补充内容    3
    1.3.3 搅拌反应釜的数值模拟    4
    1.4 反应釜的发展趋势    5
    1.4课题研究的内容    6
    2罐体和夹套设计    7
    2.1 罐体和夹套的结构设计    7
    2.2 罐体几何尺寸计算    7
    2.3 夹套几何尺寸计算    9
    3 夹套反应釜的强度计算    10
    3.1 强度计算的原则及依据    10
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