    关键词  火炮支撑架  有限元法  拓扑优化  变密度法
    Title  Optimization Design and Analysis of an Artillery
        Support Frame in a Simulation Experiment    
    In this paper,based on a support frame of an artillery,the finite element model is established by using HyperWorks.The stiffness and strength of the frame are gained qualitatively through static analysis in order to test and verify the design.As a result, there is still allowance for optimization. Furthermore, topological optimization method based on FEM is employed to redesign the topological structure of the frame.Some static information about the optimized frame is gained.And the optimized frame has an improvement of stiffness, a losing of mass and a more reasonable distribution of material. At the same time,this paper explores preliminarily the topological optimization method in the frame and has positive impacts on the efficiency of the experiment of analog projectiles.
    It is showed in the research that the frame strength can meet the design requirement. It is also shown from the performance parameters that the optimized body is improved to varying degrees except the mass. It is doable to employ the topological optimization technology based on FEM into the design of frame structure.The overall performance of the frame can be enhanced greatly by using the technology while mass losing.
    Keywords  Artillery support frame  Finite element method  Topological optimization  Variable density method
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  选题的背景与意义    1
    1.2  有限元法的发展现状    1
    1.3  结构优化的发展现状    3
    1.4  本文研究的主要内容    5
    2  支撑架的有限元分析    6
    2.1  有限元法    6
    2.2  支撑架网格划分软件    9
    2.3  支撑架有限元模型的建立    10
    2.4  边界条件的创建    16
    2.5  计算结果及分析    18
    2.6  本章小结    20
    3  支撑架的结构拓扑优化    21
    3.1  结构优化    21
    3.2  拓扑优化    23
    3.3  支撑架拓扑优化软件    25
    3.4  支撑架的拓扑优化    26
    3.5  拓扑优化结果处理    28
    3.6  本章小结    30
    4  修改结构有限元分析    31
    4.1  优化结构设计    31
    4.2  刚强度分析    31
    4.3  对比分析    32
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