    针对翻版阀的缺点,本论文决定通过采用改变喷口面积调节流量的方法来设计新型锅炉二次风调节阀,使该阀流量调节特性符合等百分比调节特性的特征,并且具有气流整流效果。首先对翻板阀和新型二次风调节阀的特点进行对比,得出新型二次风调节阀在结构上的合理性,然后进行方案设计和选择,最后通过使用Pro Engineer软件对新型二次风调节阀进行结构设计和受力分析。5388
    关键词   二次风  调节阀  流量调节特性  结构设计

    Title  The design of the Power plant boiler air control valve
    Most of the boilers generate electricity by burning pulverized coal in the power stations. The adjustment of the auxiliary wind is an important key during boiler burning process. The stand or fall of combustion process decides the efficiency & reliability of boilers′ operation directly. But the auxiliary wind systems lack for supervisory system to control in the most of domestic power stations. Now most of the domestic thermal Power Plants are using ordinary flap valve to adjust the secondary air, but the flow adjusting characteristic of flap valves is fast opening characteristic and the flow filed efflux from flap valve is uneven has influenced the fully burning of pulverized coal.
    Aim at the shortcomings of flap valve, this thesis designed a new type of secondary air control valve by using the method of changing the nozzle area to adjust the flow , and make the flow regulation characteristics of the valve become percentage adjustment feature, and have the airflow rectification effect. First, comparing the characteristics of the flap valve and a new secondary air control valve to get the results that the new secondary air control valve is reasonable in the structure. Then Select the designed program. Finally do the structure design for the secondary air control valve using Pro/E and do some necessary analysis.
    Keywords  Secondary Air  Control Valve  Flow Regulation Characteristics, Structure  Design
     目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  课题的背景    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3  本论文的任务及论文结构    6
    2  锅炉二次风调节阀设计    7
    2.1  调节阀概述及设计依据    7
    2.2  调节阀的结构设计    10
    2.3  温度变化对运动机构的影响    18
    2.4  二次风调节阀受力分析    22
    2.5  调节阀阀门开度误差分析    31
    2.6  本章小结    33
    3  调节阀驱动装置的选择    34
    3.1  调节阀驱动控制系统简述    34
    3.2  步进电机驱动原理及型号选择    35
    3.3  本章小结    36
    4  pro/Engineer软件设计零部件过程    37
    4.1  pro/ Engineer 软件简介    37
    4.2  二次风调节阀零部件开发思路    37
    4.3  本章小结    40
    5  总结和展望    41
    5.1  结论    41
    5.2  展望    41
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