    毕业论文关键词  环模制粒机  优化结构  有限元 
    Title    Three-dimensional design and performance analysis of modular ring die pellet mill test prototype                                                
    Ring die pellet mill is high-performance machinery of Particle manufacturing in feed industry, it is widely used in large and medium-sized enterprises , prepared particles have higher mass, but it has defects of high energy consumption, poor stability, easy to wear and tear. This article start from the existing structure, principle of ring die pellet mill at home and abroad, through analyzing and inducing, Study on the structure optimization of modular ring die pellet mill test prototupe, design the mechanical structure of the ring die pellet mill, using finite element analysis software to performance analysis of three-dimensional simulation critical components,to understanding the various factors of ring die which influenced,and draw a way to improve the performance of the ring mold,finally discusses the advantages and feasibility of modular.
    Keywords  ring die pellet mill    optimize the structure    FEM
    目  次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  国内外研究现状    1
    2  环模制粒机    4
    2.1 主要工作原理    4
    2.2 主要组成结构    5
    2.3 模块化设计    7
    3  环模制粒机设计    8
    3.1 确定主机功率    8
    3.2 环模设计    8
    3.3 压辊设计    10
    3.4 主传动设计    12
    3.5 调质器设计    15
    3.6 喂料器设计    17
    3.7 支撑架、支撑板及箱体    18
    3.8 制粒设备总装装配    20
    3.9 本章小结    21
    4  环模的有限元分析    22
    4.1 环模的结构静力学分析    22
    4.2 环模的结构动力学分析    25
    4.3 本章小结    27
    结  论    28
    致  谢    29
    1  引言
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