    关键词  环模制粒机  结构  有限元  清洁化
    Title    Three-dimensional design and performance analysis  of clean ring die pellet mill                           
    Ring die pellet mill is one of the four host feed processing equipment, largely determine the yield and quality of feed processing, is one of the most important equipment in the feed equipment of all, it plays an important role in feed production. However, the current domestic situation ring die pellet mill is not optimistic, high prevalence costs, low productivity, high energy consumption, short life, feed residues and other issues.
    This paper first discusses the history and current situation of ring die pellet mill, introduces its structure, granulation principle, on this basis, to feed the ring die pellet mill residues were clean design, the initial completion of the granulation aircraft prototype design and finite element analysis software for three-dimensional simulation and performance analysis of key components, the paper clean granulator promotion and application to provide some reference.
    Keywords  ring die pellet mill   Structure    Finite element analysis   clean
    目   次
    1.    绪论    1
    1.1环模制粒机    1
    1.2环模制粒在饲料加工上的应用    1
    1.3  制粒的不足    1
    1.4  环模制粒机技术现状    2
    1.4.1国外技术现状    2
    1.4.2    国内技术现状    2
    1.5  环模制粒机制粒原理    3
    1.6  环模制粒机结构    3
    1.6.1  环模的重要参数    4
    1.6.2  孔数    6
    1.6.3 沉头与扩孔    6
    1.6.4 环模材料    6
    1.7  研究内容    7
    1.8  研究方法    7
    2 清洁化环模制粒机结构设计及参数计算    8
    2.1环模制粒机主电机选择    8
    2.2 环模设计    8
    2.2.1 确定环模面积    8
    2.2.3 确定孔型和孔数    9
    2.2.4 确定环模材料    10
    2.3 压辊设计    10
    2.3.1压辊表面设计    10
    2.3.2 压辊参数及材料    11
    2.3.3 压辊装配    12
    2.4 主传动设计    12
    2.4.1 确定齿型、精度等级、材料及齿数    13
    2.5 调质器设计    14
    2.5.1 确定调质筒直径    14
    2.5.2 调质器结构设计、计算    14
    2.5.3 调质器的电机    15
    2.6 喂料器设计    16
    2.6.1 喂料输送结构设计    16
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