    摘 要国内外游艇观光旅游业的发展,使得游艇行业的成长速度加快,这么多年时间探索下来,游艇制造业的技术发展在很大程度上已经有了进步但不成熟。很长一段时间以来,手工加工形式在我国的游艇制造业依然是常用的方式,这样导致其生产工艺和管理水平都比较落后。所以,国内生产的游艇在规格、档次、质量上都和欧美、日韩国家间存在着相当大的差距。主要存在的问题如下: (1)生产效率过低,生产所耗的成本过高;机械化水平太低,不能成批生产,导致时间浪费太多,人力、物力成本过高。 (2)技术基础薄弱;生产设计方面的经验较其他国家相比太少,经验在设计制造业中起着关键性的作用,没有经验就等于没有基础。 (3)基础化管理水平低下,而信息化程度不高。 (4)生产设计长期未能有所突破;生产设计总是基于最初的经验、实例,在生产工艺,管理方式及产品外形特点等方面都没有实现突破。 “取人之长,补己之短”可以改善这种状况,模块化的应用在计算机、家具、汽车等产业已经取得成功,那么同样,模块化也可以应用在游艇产业。本文以 68ft的游艇为载体来进行模块化设计,在阅读和整理国内外文献,参考国内外游艇内舾装优秀案例的基础上,通过对游艇内舾装模块化设计的适用性和游艇内舾装的模块化应用实施进行分析后,设计出游艇内舾装具体的模块划分方法及划分结果,最后具体说明了内舾装中涉及到的一些具体模块的加工制作。模块化设计为游艇制造业带来了诸多好处,它改善了冗余和繁琐的施工现场,使得游艇内舾装的过程更加简洁、高效,再与优秀配套设备厂家形成合力,相信在不久的将来中国的游艇业会成为全球炙手可热的市场。58509
    毕业论文关键词:模块化;游艇内舾装;模块设计AbstractAs the development of domestic and international yacht tourism, the yacht industrygrowth rate accelerated, so many years of exploration, China's yacht manufacturingindustry to a large extent have made progress but is not mature. For a long period of time,manual form in the yacht manufacturing industry of our country is still a common way,resulting in the production craft and management level is relatively backward. So,theyacht of the domestic production in the specifications, grade, quality has a considerablegap between the country of Europe and the United States, Japan and South Korea. Themain existing problems are as follows: (1) The efficiency is too low, the cost is toohigh;mechanization level is low, it can not be a batch production, resulting in a waste oftime,manpower and material resources. (2) Weak foundation; design and productionexperience is too little compared to other countries,experience plays a key role in theindustry, no experience is equivalent to no foundation. (3) Based management level is low,the degree of information is not high. (4) The design and production failed to achieve abreakthrough of long-term ; the design and production is based on the initial experience,examples, It have not achieved a breakthrough in the craft and shape characteristics of theproduction, management method. "Take people long to make up our own weaknesses" canimprove the situation, the application of module in computer, furniture, automobileindustries have been successful, then similarly, module can be also used in yacht industry.The 68ft yacht as the carrier to modular design, reading and collating of the literatureat home and abroad, referencing domestic and international yacht outfitting of outstandingcases, after analyzing applicability of yacht outfitting using modular design andapplication implementation ,then design yacht outfitting specific module partition methodand results, finally ,a detailed description about the way of some specific outfitting modulemanufacture.Modular design for the yacht brought many benefits to the manufacturing industry , itcan improve the redundancy and tedious construction site, make boat outfitting processmore simple, efficient.In the near future I believe yacht industry in China will become the global hot market with excellent equipment supporting manufactures.
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