    关键词  手机挂套外壳  模具设计  Moldflow  Pro/E  AutoCAD
    Title   Phone sets shell hanging plastic mold design and
    moldFlow Simulation                                                                        
    This paper sets based on two-dimensional map of cell phone hanging shell. And use CAD software to create three-dimensional models of the shell. Re-use of CAE technology for mold flow analysis of the products. Finalize accomplish the design of die. For general processof die design, The first is carried out flow simulation using Moldflow. Analysis the filled melt, pressure and cooling of injection molded. And the affected in the stress distribution, molecular and fiber orientation distribution, shrinkage and warpage. Thus optimizing the molding process and mold structure. Then accomplish the gating system design, molding parts, guide mechanism , positioning mechanism, stripping mechanism, side parting and pulling mechanism and temperature control systems based on the structure, the number of cavities and injection conditions of the products. Finally, accompliosh three-dimensional structure of the entire mold design combined with the size, structure and mold injection mold flow analysis report using  Pro / E  . And  accomplish the mold assembly drawing and two-dimensional drawing of the main components using AutoCAD drawing.
    Keywords   cell phone hanging shell;  mold design;  Moldflow; Pro/E; AutoCAD
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  模具与模具工业    1
    1.1.1  模具工业简介    1
    1.1.2  模具工业的现状    1
    1.1.3  模具工业的发展趋势    2
    1.2  模具    2
    1.2.1  模具的定义    2
    1.2.2  模具的分类    2
    1.2.3  模具的设计    4
    2  注塑技术基础    5
    2.1  注塑材料性能    5
    2. 2  注塑成型    6
    2.2.1  注塑系统    6
    2.2.2  注塑原理    10
    3  手机挂套外壳分析    11
    3. 1  外壳成型工艺分析    11
    3. 2  外壳成型材料ABS分析    11
    4  手机挂套外壳moldflow分析    13
    4. 1  有限元分析简介    13
    4. 2  Moldflow分析结果    13
    4.2.1  网格划分及诊断修复    13
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