    关键词:火箭炮  装填系统  传动结构         
    Title    Loading system with landing gear design
    The rapid development of the 20th century, rocket weapons, rocket launchers also made new progress. More emphasis on rapid reaction capability of weapons of war in the 21st century, so fast loading, automatic loading of rockets in the late 1900s, early 2000s was launched. Each country forward with filling systems research rocket.
    The combined graduation graduation design requirements of the subject of the M270 rocket reference to the U.S. and the UK, "Sue Carter afraid" rocket with a rocket launcher mechanism design loading system and the system of self-loading mechanism, lifting equipment for the design, including the identification of drive components and power transmission member institutions, and to analyze computing. Under the premise of the overall analysis of rocket systems and mastery of the theoretical basis of the design, including winches, hydraulic telescopic boom, lifting mechanism, supporting large racks and other institutions, and various agencies to calculate the transmission and testing. To be able to design the final out of the rocket landing gear automatic loading mechanism.
    关键词:Rocket   Loading system   Transmission structure
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  火箭炮的发展及作用    1
    1.2火箭炮的发展趋势    1
    1.3 带自动装填系统的火箭炮    2
    1.5起落架集成伸缩臂自动装填机构    3
    2.带自动装填系统的起落架设计概述    4
    2.1设计任务综述    4
    2.2起落架设计    4
    2.3自动装填机构设计    4
    2.4  整体设计方案分析    5
    3  钢丝绳的选择    7
    3.1  钢丝绳的种类和构造分析    7
    3.2  钢丝绳直径计算    7
    4  卷扬机设计    8
    4.1 卷扬机的设计参数    8
    4.2卷扬机的整体结构以及工作状况分析    9
    4.3  选择卷扬机的电动机    12
    4.4减速器的设计和计算    12
    4.5  设计卷筒机构设计及尺寸    20
    4.6  卷筒轴的设计以及相关力学检验    24
    5  吊装机构设计    28
    5.1  吊装机构组成    28
    5.2  吊装机构的传动设计    29
    5.3  选择联轴器    29
    5.4  滑轮组的选择    30
    6  两级液压伸缩臂设计    31
    6.1  液压伸缩臂简介    31
    6.2  两级液压伸缩臂设计参数给定    32
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