

    毕业论文关键词  鼠标弧形盖  模具设计  Moldflow  Creo


    Title  The plastic mould design of mouse covers based on the mold flow simulation                 .


    This topic according to the provided 3D CAD model of mouse covers design a higher quality injection mold. first make a injection molding simulation using the Moldflow software, to accurately predict the melt filling、packing、cooling as well as the stress distribution, molecular and fiber orientation distribution of products, such as shrinkage and warpage and thereby choose the closest gate location, as well as providing the best solution for mould design. Then, design the runner system、ejection mechanisms、side core-pulling mechanism、guide mechanism and fixed and installation position.Second,use the Creo software to complete the structural design of mold, on the basis of the shape、accuracy、size、process requirements of mouse covers and the design parameters from Moldflow software, according to the corresponding design steps, eventually finish the plastic mould design of mouse covers.

    Keywords  Mouse covers  Mold design  Moldflow  Creo

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  模具与模具工业 1

    1.2  论文的选题背景和意义 1

    1.3  论文的主要研究内容 2

    2  塑料模具相关知识 3

    2.1  塑料的结构成分、性能、用途 3

    2.2  塑料模具典型结构 4

    2.3  注塑模具设计中的注意事项 4

    2.4  注塑模具设计流程 5

    3  鼠标弧形盖Moldflow模流分析 6

    3.1  Moldflow简介 6

    3.2  鼠标弧形盖详细分析过程 6

    4  鼠标弧形盖模具设计 22

    4.1  Creo2.0 简介 22

    4.2  Creo2.0鼠标弧形盖详细设计过程 22

    结  论 26

    致  谢 27

    参考文献 28

    1 绪论


    1.1 模具工业和模具

    1.1.1 模具的重要性


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