

    毕业论文关键词  半固态    机械搅拌    枝晶破碎    晶粒细化


    Title   The semi-solid microstructure and properties of Al  uminum mechanical stirring                   

    Abstract Semi-solid forming has gained rapid development since the 1970s.The organization has good formability, its implementation can be achieved without turbulence filling, the chance of gas involved is reducied, the cavity filling temperature is low.Owing to its weakened thermal shock, short processing cycle and less internal defects,the parts successor have improved performance .Semi-solid forming process has gained a certain application in the field of light alloy. But so far,there are many problems about the formation mechanism,stock preparation and molding method, which result in the limited semi-solid application of semi-solid. The topics use 2A12 aluminum alloy semi-solid organization to study its semi-solid organization variation by changing its stirring time and stirring speed.In a large number of tests,we have had a study of several preliminary dendrite fragmentation mechanism based on the metal solidification theory.As observed experimentally,its original solidification mechanism changes .The increase of stirring time and stirring rate result in broken dendrites, more refined grains,and the grains have a tendency to be more rounded and inerratic.

    Keywords: Semi-solid   mechanical stirring   dendrite broken   grain  refinement

    1  引言  1

    1.1半固态技术简介 … 1

    1.2金属半固态加工技术的特点  1

    1.3金属半固态加工基本工艺方法 … 2

    1.4金属半固态加工技术的研究现状及存在的问题  8

    1.5金属半固态加工技术的发展历史  9

    1.6金属半固态加工的研究方向  10

    1.7本文的主要研究内容 … 11

    2  实验研究方案及半固态浆料制备  12 

    2.1实验材料 … 12

    2.2实验准备及所需器材 … 12

    2.3半固态浆料制备及实验过程  12

    3  实验结果分析  16

    3.1搅拌速率对半固态组织的影响 … 16

    3.2搅拌时间对半固态组织的影响 … 19

    4  机械搅拌半固态组织形成机理的初步探讨  22

    4.1半固态组织形成机制简介 … 22

    4.2等轴非枝晶的形成  24

    4.3等轴晶粒的长大 … 26

    4.4三维空间中半固态固相颗粒的形态研究 … 29

    4.5本章小结  30

    结论 … 32

    致谢 … 33

    参考文献 … 34

    1 引言

    1.1 半固态技术简介

    半固态金属加工或成型技术(Semi-Solid Metal Process or Semi-Solid Metal Forming,简称SSF或SSP)的概念是于20世纪70年代初首先在美国麻省理工由Flemings等研究者被提出,这个概念的提出和发展开创了金属材料成型加工技术的新领域[1]。

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