
    摘要:近年来,我国体育教师缺编情况十分严重。因此,国家非常重视学校体育工作,体育教师缺编局面正渐渐缓解。改革开放后,由于办学规模的扩大和政府的重视,体育课更由原来每周每班的2节增加至3节,各大城市还实行男女生分开上课,各校体育教师的编制空缺相应加大,很多学校体育教师严重缺编,由其他的教师兼职上课或体育教师超负荷运转。 本文采用文献资料、问卷调查、访谈、数据统计、归纳分析等方法,对宝应县小学体育教师现状进行了研究,得出了以下主要结论与发展对策:1、宝应县小学教师存在缺编情况,教师超工作量是一种普遍现象,男、女教师人数比例为1.5:1,其中女教师所占比例小。2、宝应县小学教师的学历是以本科为主,占59.19%,研究生学历占16%,专科学历占24.73%,高中学历占15.92%。其中宝应县体育教师的外语和计算机水平较低。外语差是影响教师外出进修,获取硕士学位最大的障碍之一。3、体育教学场地器材条件不太理想,只有21.33%的教师对教学条件满意,完全实施教学大纲的只有65.72%,教学质量不错,没有不称职的教师。4、宝应县体育教师职业心态总体是健康的、积极稳定的,但部分教师也表现出工作压力过大,工作功利性趋向偏高,工作地位与稳定度偏低等实际问题。5、针对调查情况,请教指导老师,提出了增加教师编制数、加强教师培训、外聘优秀体育教师、利用班级特长生、利用家长资源、课程教学内容设置要合理、调动体育教师的工作积极性等对策[1]。64678


    Abstract: In recent years, our country sports teacher vacancy situation is very serious. Therefore, the state attaches great importance to the school sports work, physical education teachers vacancy situation is gradually alleviated. After reform and opening up, due to the expansion of scale and the government's attention, physical education, more from per shift section 2 to 3 day per week, cities also implements the boys and girls separate class, prepare the vacancy of PE teachers in the schools corresponding increase, a lot of serious vacancy, school physical education teachers from other teachers part-time or over load operation of PE teachers in class. This article USES the literature material, questionnaire survey, interview, data statistics and inductive analysis method, studied the status quo of elementary school physical education teachers in BaoYing city, the following main conclusions and development countermeasures: 1, the BaoYing city primary school teachers is vacancy situation, teachers' workload is a common phenomenon, record Numbers of teachers were male and female ratio is 1.5:1, the proportion of female teachers. 2, BaoYing primary school teacher education in undergraduate course is given priority to, 59.19% of graduate degrees accounted for 16%, college education accounted for 24.73%, high school education accounted for 15.92%. BaoYing city of PE teachers of foreign languages and computer level is low. Foreign language difference is the effect of teachers go further to get a master's degree in one of the biggest obstacles. 3 location equipment conditions, sports teaching is not very ideal, only 21.33% of the teachers are satisfied with the teaching conditions, fully implement the syllabus of only 65.72%, the teaching quality is good, not incompetent teachers. 4, PE teachers' professional mentality of BaoYing is generally healthy, active and stable, but also showed some teachers work stress, job utilitarian tendency on the high side, work status and actual problems such as low stability. 5, according to the investigation, consult the instructor, are put forward to strengthen teacher training, increase teachers BianZhiShu, external outstanding PE teachers, using the class performance, using parents resource and the contents of the course teaching to reasonable countermeasures, arouse the enthusiasm of PE teachers' work.

  1. 上一篇:洪泽县城区中学开设羽毛球课程现状调查与研究
  2. 下一篇:附属中学田径教学现状与对策研究
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