
    摘 要: 教师教学语言运用的好坏直接影响教学效果。作为在小学阶段的体育教师,教学语言采取不合理,教学效果也会不理想,例如,教学语言单一、面对课堂突发情况言辞运用不恰当等,为了解决这一现状就需要小学体育教师不断进行反思。该研究采用问卷调查、实地观察课堂和查阅相关的文献资料等方法,以淮安市实验小学体育教师教学语言的使用情况为例,通过观察研究,发现小学体育教师在教学语言运用所存在的问题并分析原因,在此基础上提出改进和解决问题的一些策略,即:将语言的有效运用作为体育教学重点;提高小学体育教师课堂教学语言的有效运用;改善小学体育课堂中各教学环节的教学语言。该研究旨在提高小学体育教师的教学语言素养,实现教师的自主发展和专业化成长,从而更好的适应我们以后的工作,完成教学工作。66973

    毕业论文关键词: 小学,体育教师,教学语言,现状




    Abstract: The use of teaching language has a direct influence on the teaching effect. As in the stage of primary school PE teachers, the teaching language adopted is not reasonable, the teaching effect will be not ideal, for example, the teaching language in classroom, single emergency use inappropriate words, in order to solve this situation requires continuous reflection of primary school PE teachers.This study adopts questionnaire survey classroom observation and access to the relevant literature and other methods, the use of primary school PE teachers in Huaian city teaching language as an example, through investigation, found that the primary school physical education teachers in the teaching language problems and analyzes the reasons, puts forward some strategies, improve and solve problems namely: the effective use of language as the key to improve the effective use of physical education; physical education teachers teaching language in primary school; improve the teaching of primary school sports classroom teaching language. The aim of this study was to improve the primary school physical education teachers' teaching language literacy, to realize teachers' independent development and professional growth, so as to better adapt to our future work, the completion of teaching work.

    Keywords:primary school,physical education teachers,teaching language,present situation


    目 录

    1 前言...........................................................4

    1.1 研究背景.....................................................4

    1.2 研究目的与方法...............................................4

    1.3 研究的意义...................................................5

    2 教学语言的理性思考.............................................5

    2.1 教学语言概念.................................................5

    2.2 体育教学语言概念.............................................5

    2.3 小学体育教师教学语言的分类...................................5

    3 小学体育教师教学语言运用现状与分析.............................6

    3.1 研究对象的基本情况...........................................6

    3.2 小学体育教师教学语言运用方式.................................7

    3.3 小学体育教师教学语言的运用习惯...............................8

    3.4 小学体育教师教学语言的运用存在的问题.........................9

    4 影响小学体育教师教学语言的原因.................................9

    4.1 小学体育教师重视教学进度,忽略教学细节......................10

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