

    毕业论文关键词:宜兴; 中小学; 大课间体育活动; 调查

    Abstact:Big recess nationality sports activities is wide, rich contents, various forms, but the big recess sports activities need to have a clear goal smoothly, a sound mechanism, standardized management and perfect facilities. This article USES the literature material method, interview method, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics, logic analysis and other research methods, on the way and content of yixing large recess activities of primary and secondary schools, the students' participation motivation and situation, the present situation of the projects and activities of the organization and management and so on investigation and analysis. Results show that: first, yixing is popular in the recess sports activities of small and medium-sized school, project type less, the content is relatively common, school of organization and management more perfect; Second, through to the part of the PE teachers' probing, male students to participate in the activities of large recess sports attitude is positive, participation motivation mainly to keep fit, reduce the pressure of learning, enrich the learning activities. On the contrary, female students to participate in the attitude is not positive, participation motivation is not clear, mainly to alleviate pressure, loosen body and mind for the purpose; Third, the school organization before you carry out sports activities in setting-up exercises to music activities, and sports activities mainly in basketball, volleyball, running traditional project as the center, such as lack of innovative projects. 

    Key words:Yingxing; Primary and secondary Shools;  Big recess sports activities ; Servey

    目 录

    1前言 3

    2研究对象与方法 .................................................4

    2.1研究对象 4

    2.2研究方法 4

    3研究结果与分析 5

    3.1宜兴中小学生对大课间体育活动开展的态度调查 5

    3.2宜兴中小学生参与大课间体育活动的动机调查 5

    3.3宜兴中小学生参加大课间体育活动的次数调查分析 7

    3.4宜兴中小学生参加大课间体育活动的持续时间的调查分析 8

    3. 5宜兴中小学参加大课间体育活动的影响因素分析 8

    3. 6宜兴中小学生大课间开展中存在的问题 9

    3. 7宜兴中小学大课间发展对策....................................10

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