


    Abstract:Track and field sports in sports today, with its unique glamour attracted the attention of the world, the same track and field sports are very popular in our daily life, people in track and field sports to keep fit, and at the same time in the school, track and field is also indispensable teaching content of physical education curriculum, through the track and field sports, to enhance the student's physical quality, improve the students' cardiopulmonary function, make the development of students' physical and mental health. In order to promote athletics better in school, I made a investigation and analysis of the affiliated high school of huaiyin normal university, using the literature material law, the methods of questionnaire investigation and interview method. Mainly from the track and field teaching, field situation, high school track and field after school training, middle school students' extracurricular activities and influence factors of middle school students to carry out the track and field events, etc to do the investigation and analysis, put forward the corresponding countermeasure and the suggestion, the main purpose is to let the track and field sports is more close to the middle school students, make the better development of track and field sports.

    Keywords:Secondary school, track and field teaching

    1  前言1

    2  研究对象和方法··2

    2.1  研究对象2

    2.2  研究方法··……··2

    2.2.1  文献资料法··2

    2.2.2  问卷调查法··2

    2.2.3  数理统计法··2

    2.2.4  访谈法2

    3  研究结果与分析··2

    3.1  附属中学体育教师的基本情况··3

    3.1.1  年龄结构·3

    3.1.2  学历层次·4

    3.1.3  所学专业及任课情况4

    3.2  附属中学生的基本情况··5

    3.2.1  年龄分析·5

    3.2.2  对田径课的态度和认知·6

    3.3  田径课教学基本情况的调查与分析··6

    3.3.1  课程开展情况6

    3.3.2  教学内容·6

    3.3.3  场地及器材·6

    4.1  结论·7

    4.2  建议·7




    1   前言


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