

    毕业论文关键词:小学 体育课 现状

    Abstract:Through literature, visited the survey, questionnaires and so on Pukou District elementary physical education opened the status quo were investigated . The results showed that: most elementary Pukou area sports and equipment is relatively sound , but there is still the presence of a small number of schools and the lack of space and equipment worn ; creation of a single physical education program , the majority of schools based mainly in basketball and track and field ; sports Lesson opened less, some schools still exist " sheep " teaching ; lack of teachers , lack of teachers in most schools of any course , a larger workload of teachers ; school leadership is not enough emphasis on the creation of physical education , school physical education and management are not perfect ; student attitudes toward physical education is not enough correct, most of the students want is freedom physical education activity classes , parents do not attach importance to sports activities. This article is recommended : to increase investment in PE funds ; regularly carry out a variety of sports and a variety of sports activities to enhance students' interest in learning and motivation ; improve the degree of emphasis on leadership , improve the teaching management system ; improve the treatment of teachers , the introduction of more multi- professional sports teachers ; strengthen ideological education , to change the traditional concepts of education of parents.

    Keywords: Status of rural primary school physical education

    目   录

    1 前言 5

    2 研究对象、方法 5

    2.1 研究对象 5

    2.2 研究方法 5

    3 对南京市浦口区小学体育课教学现状结果分析 6

    3.1 拥有的体育场地、器材 6

    3.2 体育课开设项目 7

    3.3 体育课的开设量 7

    3.4 师资力量情况 8

    3.5 学校对体育课的重视程度 8

    3.6 学生对体育课的认识 9

    3.7 家长对体育课的认识 9

    4 结论与对策 10

    4.1 结论 10

    4.2 对策 10

    参考文献 12

    致谢 13

    附录1 14


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