


    Abstract: by using the method of literature, investigation and interview method, the concept of leisure sports are analyzed from multiple perspectives, the current situation of the development of leisure sports in Huaian region were discuss, analysis of the development strategy for the status quo. The results show that: the Huaian citizens' awareness of leisure sports and continuously improve the progress, the leisure options also preliminary tend to sports leisure, leisure sports present situation of positive improvement in the city of Huaian has also made some degree of effort. Although the arrival of twenty-first Century led to the part of the three line of the city leisure sports development, but still exist many problems: the state financial support and assistance is relatively low, the leisure sports industry in Huaian area is very backward, the average consumption of water level city economic development and people is not high, urban gap is relatively large, people use their time distribution leisure is not reasonable.

    Key words: Huaian City, leisure, leisure sports, current situation, development countermeasures

    目  录

    1 前言 5

    2 研究对象与方法 5

    2.1研究对象 5

    2.2研究方法 5

    3.研究结果与分析 5

    3.1休闲与休闲体育的概念 5

    3.2淮安市休闲体育的现状 6

    3.2.1市民的认知程度 6

    3.2.2市民对方式的选择 6

    3.2.3社区公共体育设施和器械 7

    3.2.4市民的体育消费水平 7

    3.3淮安市休闲体育发展存在的问题 7

    3.3.1市民支配休闲时间不够合理 8

    3.3.2场馆设施比较简单且数量少质量差 8

    3.3.3国家和地方政府的重视程度不高 8

    3.3.4休闲体育发展严重失衡 9

    3.3.5社区组织和管理系统不健全 9

    4 结论与建议 10

    4.1 结论 10

    4.2 建议 10

    参考文献 13

    致谢 13

    附件 14

    1 前言

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