


    Abstract: Rapeseed oil, with a unique aroma, is an important kind of edible oil in china. Close attention has always been paid to volatile constituent. In this study, ordinary rapeseed oil and transgenic rapeseed oil was used as the main material. This paper extract and analysis volatiles in rapeseed oil by SDE-GC-MS. Results showed that a total of 30 major volatile compounds were found in transgenic rapeseed oil, including 9 degradation products of glucosinolates, 8 oxidative volatiles (alkenes, aldehydes and alkanes), 12 heterocyclic compounds and 1 benzene compound. 24 volatile compounds were found in non-transgenic rapeseed oil, including 7 degradation products of glucosinolates, 7 oxidative volatiles (alkenes, aldehydes and alkanes), 9 heterocyclic compounds and 1 benzene compound. Rapeseed oil’s unique aroma and flavor are the main factors that constitute its quality. Therefore, to determine the ingredients of its aroma is of much significance.

    Keywords: rapeseed oil, simultaneous distillation and solvent extraction, GC-MS, volatile components

    目 录

    1 前言 4

    1.1油脂挥发物的研究概况 4

    1.2油脂挥发物的提取方法 5

    1.3油脂挥发物的检测方法 5

    2材料和方法 6

    2.1材料与试剂 6

    2.2仪器与设备 6

    2.3实验方法 7

    3实验结果 7

    3.1转基因菜籽油挥发性风成分 7

    3.2非转基因菜籽油挥发性风成分 11

    4讨论 13

    结论 14

    参考文献 15

    致谢 16

    1 前言

    油菜是我国最重要的油料作物与经济作物之一,年种植面积和总产量均占世界的30%左右,居世界首位。油菜籽中含有丰富的营养成分,脂肪含量达 40%,蛋白质含量高达30%。菜籽油(rapeseed oil) 是我国主要食用油种之一,在国产植物油中,约50%来源于菜籽油。


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