

    Abstract  In recent years, breeders have been increasingly concerned about the collection, identification and evaluation of the use of genetic germplasm. In a market economy, quality traits in barley varieties become important traits affecting their economic value. If the barley grain protein content of less than 20%,We will put this kind preferably low-protein barley grain。      Barley grain protein content also affects the level that it uses. Wherein the protein content of feed barley generally require more than 13.0%,beer barley grain protein content of between 9.0% to 12.0%, the most appropriate. The European Association for brewing barley grain protein content requirement of no more than 11.5%. Therefore, this experiment will be 126 parts barley grain ground into flour, finishing the experimental data。Experimental data found,for barley grain species in this experiment,a low-protein barley total of 81 kinds of grain,which it is suitable for grain barley beer brewing one 17 species。Simultaneously,It discusses barley grain protein content in low, If the barley grain used in beer brewing in the protein content of more than the optimum value,the impact on beer;If the barley grain protein content lower than the optimum value,also the impact on the beer brewing。


    Keyword:Barley Grain;protein;Germplasm Screening;Beer Brewing


    摘要 3

    前言 4

    1.材料与方法 5

    1.1材料 5

    1.1.1实验材料 5

    1.1.2实验试剂 5

    1.1.3实验仪器 5

    1.2实验方法 5

    1.2.1样品的采集、脱壳、磨粉 5

    1.2.2样品的检测 5

    1.2.3样品蛋白质的提取 5

    1.2.4样品蛋白质的检测 6

    1.3 BSA标准品溶液的操作流程 6

    1.3.1 BSA标准品溶液的配置 6

    1.3.2 BSA标准品溶液的测定 6

    2.结果与分析 7

    2.1实验结果 7

    2.2数据分析 9

    3.讨论 9


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