


    Abstract Absrract: Kimchi is a kind of vegetable products with simple production, fresh taste and popular among the masses. The easiest way that is supplemented with fresh vegetables from the amount of salt pickle. The cabbage as raw material, using natural curing preserved experiment. About the same time issuing kimchi knowledge questionnaire on the network, gather the masses to understand the degree of information for pickles. In this paper, the dynamic changes of nitrite in kimchi during curing process were studied, and the formation of nitrite was discussed preliminarily. At the same time, adding life common seasoning vegetables and spices in kimchi, studying the effect of the changes of nitrite in kimchi, and the best effect one to two kinds of conditions and has a significant influence seasoning vegetables or spices. The study found that the content of the curing process which produces pickles nitrite showing a trend of growth in the first reduction, and nitrite peak substantially present in about the seventh day. Experiments showed that adding sour and VC for nitrite have a more significant inhibitory effect, onions, garlic, ginger and cooking wine also has some control effect, but not very satisfactory. According to the experimental results suggested that when combined with 20:1 of sweet and sour or (and) VC pickled can effectively control the content of nitrite. Analysis of the survey report for the masses learned to understand kimchi especially cognitive safety is still relatively scarce, and do not know the channel with credibility, misleading stronger.

    Key words: Kimchi ; Nitrite; Questionnaire; Control.

    目    录

    前言 5

    1 材料和方法 7

    1.1 材料 7

    1.2 试验设计: 8

    1.3 实验方法与原理 8

    1.3.1 泡菜腌制 8

    1.3.2 检测原理 8

    1.3.3 亚硝酸盐的检测 8

    1.4 条件探究 9

    2 结果 10

    2.1 标准曲线及添加辅料各组实验数据汇总 10

    2.1.1 标准曲线 10

    2.1.2 添加辅料各组实验数据汇总 10

    2.2 添加辅料各组亚硝酸盐含量变化对比

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