    摘要:随着近年来国际市场对鲜食大豆需求的增加,品质性状成为鲜食大豆研究的重要目标之一。尽管籽粒硬度是衡量食品级大豆品质的主要性状,但是对于系统性研究影响鲜食期大豆籽粒硬度的关键因素的分析却鲜有报道。本研究通过对不同硬度类型的大豆品种(系)在鲜食期籽粒细胞排列紧密程度的光学显微镜和对籽粒内含物的扫描电镜观察,分析比较二者之间的差异,结果表明细胞排列密度并不是决定籽粒硬度的关键因素,而细胞中蛋白质和淀粉等内含物可能是影响籽粒硬度的关键。系统性的测定和分析了与大豆籽粒硬度相关的8个因素:蛋白质(x1)、脂肪(x2)、可溶性糖(x3)、淀粉(x4)、水分(x5)、Ca2+(x6)、Mg2+(x7)含量和籽粒体积(x8)与鲜食期大豆籽粒硬度(y)的相关性,并选择出相关性较大的因素x1,x4和x5作为关键因素进一步拟合多元回归模型y= 1438.486+33.523*x1﹣53.344*x4﹣1997.810*x5,为鲜食期大豆籽粒硬度的评价和研究的进一步深入提供参考。34923
    Correlation and Multivariate Regression Analysis on Key Components of Fresh Edible Soybean Seed Hardness
    Abstract:In recent years, with the increasing global market demand for fresh edible soybean with good-eating quality, quality trait improvement is becoming one of the important goals of fresh edible soybean research. The grain hardness is the main measure of food grade soybean quality traits, but for the systemic research of the key factors influencing the fresh edible period soybean grain hardness analysis was rarely reported. Based on the different hardness-types of soybean varieties (or lines), we observed the  density of  cotyledon cell by optical microscope and the distribution of nutritional components (e.g. starch and protein et.al) by scanning electron microscopy,  the results show that cell array density is not the key factor of seed hardness but maybe mainly effected by the nutritional components. We measurement the eight supposed key factors (the content of protein, oil, soluble sugar, starch, moisture, Ca2+, Mg2+ and seed size) related to soybean seed hardness systematically and analyzed the correlation between each of them, and further the multiple regression model y= 1438.486+33.523*x1﹣53.344*x4﹣1997.810*x5 was established. In summary, our research revealed the relevance of the 8 factors with the seed hardness, which provide a foundation for the further study on this trait.
    Key words: Fresh edible soybean; Key Components of Seed hardness; Correlation analysis; Principal component analysis; Multiple regression equation
    目  录

    Key words3
    1 材料与方法4
    1.1 材料和仪器 4
    1.1.1 实验材料 5
    1.1.2 实验仪器5
    1.2 实验方法5
    1.2.2 石蜡切片和电镜切片的制作和观察5
    1.2.3 籽粒硬度、体积和相关物质含量的测定6
    2 结果与分析7
    2.1 不同硬度类型的鲜食期大豆籽粒的细胞学观察和比较 7
    2.2 鲜食期大豆籽粒硬度关键因素及相关性分析9
    2.2.1 鲜食期大豆籽粒硬、体积和相关物质的质量9
    2.2.2 影响鲜食期大豆籽粒硬度关键因素的相关性分析9
    2.3 影响鲜食期大豆籽粒硬度关键因素的多元回归分析10
    2.3.1 主成分分析10
    2.3.2 多元回归分析10
    3 讨论11
    鲜食大豆也叫菜用大豆(Glycine max(L.)Merri)、毛豆(或青毛豆)、枝豆等,是指在大豆生长发育的R6(鼓荚盛期)至R7(初熟期),籽粒填充达到荚宽的80%~90%,荚色、籽粒翠绿时采青食用的特用大豆品种[1]。鲜食大豆富含蛋白质和多种游离氨基酸及文生素等,是一种营养丰富的功能性食品级大豆,较易被人体吸收利用,对调节人们膳食结构和改良营养状况具有重要作用[2]。鲜食大豆已经成为亚洲及欧美等广大消费者认可和喜爱的高蛋白蔬菜。
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