
    摘要:随着人们膳食结构的变化以及人口老龄化的加剧,高脂血症已成为诱发心脑血管疾病的重要因素。苦荞(Fagopyrum tartaricum Gaertn)作为我国特有的栽培品种,既含有非常丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、黄酮和脂肪酸等营养成分和生物活性物质,又具有预防高血脂、高血压等功效。本文以苦荞蛋白为研究对象,以蛋白质水解度和胆酸盐(胆酸钠(SC)、脱氧胆酸钠(SDC)、牛磺胆酸钠(STC))吸附效果为指标,利用响应面试验设计法优化水解条件,重点分析了苦荞蛋白水解过程中的关键影响因子(蛋白酶用量、水解pH、水解时间和底物浓度)及其影响规律,实验结果表明:水解酶用量5050.39U/g蛋白,pH 6.5,水解时间179.9min,水解温度42℃,蛋白溶液浓度11.77g/L。此时SC、SDC和STC吸附率预测值分别为41.6%、52.1%、36.3%。52785

    毕业论文关键词: 荞麦蛋白;酶解;水解度;响应面分析;胆酸盐吸附

    Study on the process conditions of enzymatic hydrolysis of buckwheat protein

    Abstract: With the change of people's diet structure and the increase of population aging, hyperlipidemia has become an important factor to induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tartaricum Gaertn) as the cultivation of species endemic to China. It not only contains very rich in protein, fat, total flavonoids content and fatty acid nutrients and bioactive substances, but also has the prevention of high blood fat, high blood pressure and other effects. In this paper the buckwheat protein as the research object, the hydrolysis degree of protein and bile salts (sodium cholate (SC) and sodium deoxycholate (SDC), sodium taurocholate (STC) adsorption effect as index, using response surface experimental design was used to optimize the conditions of hydrolysis, focusing on analysis of the buckwheat protein water solution in the process of the key influence factor (protease dosage, the hydrolysis of pH, hydrolysis time and substrate concentration) and the influence law. The experimental results show that the enzyme dosage 5050.39U/g protein, pH 6.5, hydrolysis time 179.9min, hydrolysis temperature of 42 degrees, the protein solution concentration 11.77g/L. At this time, the prediction values of SC, SDC and STC adsorption rates were 41.6%, 52.1% and 36.3%, respectively

    Keywords:Buckwheat protein;enzyme;degree of hydroLysis;response surface anaLysis;choLate adsorption


    1  概述 1

    1.1  荞麦及荞麦蛋白的概述 1

    1.1.1  荞麦蛋白质的生理功能 2

    1.1.2  荞麦蛋白提取工艺的研究 2

    1.1.3  荞麦蛋白质酶解 3

    1.1.4  胆酸盐概述 4

    1.2  本课题研究现状 5

    1.3  本课题研究的目的与意义 5

    2  实验材料与方法 6

    2.1  实验材料与试剂 6

    2.2 实验方法 7

    2.2.1 荞麦蛋白的制备 7

    2.2.2  荞麦蛋白的酶解单因素实验 7

    2.2.3  水解度的测定 8

    2.2.4  酶解荞麦蛋白响应面优化试验 9

    2.2.5 胆酸盐结合能力的测定 9

    3  实验结果与讨论 11

    3.1 氨基酸标准曲线

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