


    The plant design of annual production capacity of 1000 tons keratinase

    Abstract:This design is primarily for the annual production capacity of 1000 tons keratinase. Keratinase is a kind of enzyme which could specifically degrade keratin, which is producted from kinds of microorganisms like bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi. First in this paper, production process is designed and the process is demonstrated which is based on the characteristics of raw materials and target products. Then calculateing the material balance according to target output and production cost and the equipments were selected and optimized. Meanwhile the layout of the workshop and the flat plan of the plant were made reasonably. Finally the result showed that the balancing point of profit and loss was 17.7 of the designed capability, and the managing safety factor was high as 75.08%.

    Key words: Keratinase; plant design; optimized production

    目  录

    摘要 1

    关键词 1

    Abstract 1

    Key words 1

    1  设计总论 2

    1.1  设计目标及内容 2

    1.2  设计原则 2

    1.3  产品方案及班产量的确定 2

    1.3.1  依据 2

    1.3.2  要求 2

    1.3.3  产品方案 2

    2  生产工艺流程 3

    2.1  工艺流程图 3

    图1:角蛋白酶制剂生产工艺流程 3

    2.2  原辅料及菌种 3

    2.2.1  菌种培养 3

    2.2.2  种子液培养 3

    2.3  发酵培养 4

    2.4  角蛋白酶和高二硫键还原酶的分离与提取 4

    2.4.1  发酵液初步处理 4

    2.4.2  过滤 4

    2.4.3  浓缩 4

    2.4.4  沉淀与重溶 4

    2.4.5  角蛋白酶纯化 5

    2.4.6  洗脱液的浓缩 5

    2.5  设计方法 5

    3  物料衡算与主要设备选型 5

    3.1  物料衡算 5

    3.1.1  原料计算 5

    3.1.2  辅料计算 6

    3. 2  设备选型 7

    3.2.1  设备选型原则

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