


    On the basis of preliminary studies, Vietnam apheresis large-leafed tea as the raw material ,the present study carry out the effects of different enzymes on flavor quality green tea concentrate and the resulting precipitate, study and put forward the best processing parameters enzyme to form an enzyme package improve juice concentrate flavor quality technology, to provide technical guidance for the beverage business. Composite protease assisted extraction can improve the extraction rate of tea, has obvious effect on improving the brightness of tea. Add the appropriate tannase can significantly improve the flavor quality green tea concentrate, embodied in order to reduce bitterness and astringency of tea and  aftertaste improve. Separately added tannase best application parameters are: amount of 10-15mg / 100mL (1.0% -1.5%), 40 ℃, 1.5h. In order to meet the different needs of green tea juice concentrate, the study of the compound treatment of green tea juice concentrate was carried out by the combination of the single enzyme and compound protease. Tannins and complex enzyme protease complex processing of green tea concentrate juice can significantly reduce sedimentation and improve the quality of tea flavor. Recommended parameter is 1.5% + 2.5% tannin enzyme protease complex. A variety of tea processing enzymes, tannin 1.5% + 0.5% glucosidase enzyme treated tea to get the best flavor, but not as effective as a single deposit control add tannase.

    毕业论文关键词:绿茶浓缩汁; 单宁酶; 蛋白酶; 沉淀; 风

    Key words:  green tea concentrate;  tannase;  protease;  sediments;  flavor

     目    录

    摘   要 2

    目录 3

    1 引言 5

    2材料与方法 6

    2.1材料与主要仪器设备 6

    2.1.1实验材料: 6

    2.1.2仪器设备: 6

    2.2实验方法 6

    2.2.1感官审评 6

    2.2.2茶多酚含量检测:酒石酸亚铁比色法(GB/T 8313-2002) 7

    2.2.3游离氨基酸总量:茚三酮比色法(GB/T 8314-2002) 7

    2.2.4儿茶素含量用HPLC进行测定 7

    2.2.5茶汤色差,pH及浊度测定 7

    2.3数据分析 7

    3 提取工艺研究及其对茶汤风品质影响的结果分析 8


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