
    摘要:本论文以酵母菌为研究材料,在戊二醛的交联下将纳米Fe3O4负载固定到酵母菌的表面,制备出磁性酵母菌,然后在无水环境下利用不同浓度的磁性酵母菌吸附花青素,得出最佳吸附率的磁性酵母浓度,由于花青素属于黄酮类化合物,极性较高,可溶于甲醇乙醇等有机溶剂中,所以分别使用甲醇和乙醇吸收磁性酵母菌中吸附的花青素,从而得出磁性酵母所吸附花青素的含量,其甲醇在最优环境超声温度65℃,超声时间20min,甲醇浓度为90%时,最大解吸附率为51.9 %;乙醇在最优环境超声温度65℃,超声时间20min,乙醇浓度为80%时,最大解吸附率为43.7 %,因此甲醇为最佳解吸附溶剂。51840

    毕业论文关键词:磁性酵母菌; 花青素; 甲醇; 乙醇; 吸附

    Preparation of magnetic yeast and its application in the separation of anthocyanins

    Abstract: The yeast is used as the research material of this paper. Then loading the nano Fe3O4 on the surface of the yeast to prepare the magnetic yeast under the cross-linking of glutaraldehyde.Try to use the magnetic yeast of different concentrations to adsorb the anthocyanins under the water-free environment to get the best rate of adsorption of magnetic yeast concentration. Anthocyanins is one of high polarity flavonoids and it can soluble in organic solvents such as methanol, ethanol and so on. So using anthocyanins separately absorbed in methanol and ethanol which was adsorbed in magnetic yeast. In the methanol environment, when the ultrasonic temperature is 65 oC, the ultrasonic time is 20min, the methanol concentration is 90%, the maximum desorption rate is 51.9%. While in the ethanol environment, the ultrasonic temperature is 65 oC, the ultrasonic time is 20min, the methanol concentration is 80%, the maximum desorption rate is 43.7%. So it is obvious that the methanol is the better solution for the deorption of solvent.

    Keywords: magnetic yeast;anthocyanin;methanol;ethanol;desorption

    目   录

    1 引言 1

    2 实验部分 2

    2.1 实验试剂与仪器 2

    2.1.1 实验试剂 2

    2.2.2实验仪器 2

    2.3 磁性酵母菌的制备 2

    2.4 磁性酵母菌的活化 2

    2.5 紫薯汁中花青素的检测 3

    2.5.1 缓冲液的配置 3

    2.5.2 花青素的测定 3

    2.5 磁性酵母菌吸附花青素 3

    2.6饱和吸附花青素活化酵母的获得 3

    2.7 解吸附单因素实验 3

    2.7.1 醇浓度对解吸效果的影响 3

    2.7.2 超声波温度对解吸附效果的影响 3

    2.7.3超声波时间对解吸附效果的影响 4

    2.8正交实验对提取条件的优化 4

    3实验数据与分析 4

    3.1磁性酵母的制备 4

    3.2磁性酵母菌吸附花青素的最佳吸附率 5

    3.3寻找最优甲醇和乙醇的浓度 6

    3.3.1甲醇浓度对解吸附率的影响 6

    3.3.2乙醇浓度对解吸附率的影响 6

    3.4 超声波温度对解吸附率的影响

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